WoT Steam PC: Online Record On The Platform

Last weekend, on Saturday, December 23, World of Tanks on the Steam platform recorded a new peak online record – 8024 players.
All this happened after almost 2 years of the release of World of Tanks on Steam.

In general, WOT on Steam for 2023 shows positive dynamics from month to month. And it is through Steam that some new players now come. But WG absolutely doesn’t care about the development of the game on this platform, because logging in through Steam with any WoT could be achieved (if you wanted)
Players want to play with their main accounts through Steam, they want to see normal support and implementation of Steam services in the game.

2 thoughts on “WoT Steam PC: Online Record On The Platform

  1. Dont beliebe steam reviews they were boosted by bots.. When wot came out on steam it was in the mostly negitive..

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