WoT ASIA: A New Cloud-Based WoT Server

One of our top priorities has always been to deliver a smooth and engaging gameplay experience to all World of Tanks players across the region. We deeply appreciate the feedback and reports you have submitted regarding server performance; they have helped us continuously develop tweaks and fixes for the connectivity issues that occurred.

However, after sustained testing, we have determined that the existing geographical and environmental limitations of our current server setup prevent us from making further improvements in the quality of its performance. Therefore, we will be replacing the World of Tanks HK and ANZ peripheries with a single cloud-based server (ASIA1) on September 11, 2023.

  • Server replacement schedule: September 11, 2023 at 14:00 (UTC+8)
  • After the switch, you will be able to connect to the new ASIA1 server automatically, with no additional steps required from you.
  • If you are in the middle of a battle when the switch takes place, you will be logged out after the battle is complete.
  • There will be no impact on timed server events.
  • Should you encounter any issues with high latency or lag spikes, please report them to our Player Support team.

We will carefully monitor the new server’s performance after launch. If it performs according to our expectations, we will implement this solution on a permanent basis.


What does this server replacement mean for me?

No additional steps will be required from you. You may simply log into the game client as normal, where you will see the new ASIA1 server pre-selected for you.

How will this change affect my gameplay?

You may experience some changes in latency, depending on your geographical location. However, please rest assured that we will actively monitor the server’s performance after the launch, and do our best to optimize the nodes and routes as soon as possible.

Why is the ASIA1 server visible on the server selection screen but is not selectable?

The ASIA1 server will only become available for selection after the switch on September 11, 14:00 (UTC+8). Please log in after that to try it out for yourself!

How long will it take to optimize the routes after release?

Based on our analysis, we expect the transition to the new server to be a smooth one. However, there is always some uncertainty with routing which can only be fully tested when the server is live.

We expect the server’s performance to stabilize over the next few months as we analyze any affected connections and make further improvements. If you experience any issues with high latency or lag spikes, please contact our Player Support team to make a report.

Thank you once again for your continued support for World of Tanks. We look forward to taking the next step in enhancing your gameplay experience!

Roll out!

6 thoughts on “WoT ASIA: A New Cloud-Based WoT Server

  1. Hopefully the Asia client gets merged to the EU client along with the NA client when that merge happens.

    1. Client merge doesn’t mean server merge. We can only wait until internet gets fast enough, hopefully before we get too old =)))))

  2. Oh this is such a good news(hopefully). I’m fed up with all the lag spikes and packet losses that come in every two months and stay for a month. I gave up raising tickets with WG support because they usually claim it to be a problem with my ISP. My ISP had good ping and no packet loss but it turned out to be either HK WoT server cluster itself or majority of the time stupid STT Singapore messing it up on their hop over to Hong Kong. I ended up having better ping to NA than HK server!

    I appreciate WG actively trying to address the problem and sincerely hope this move will improve things.

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