Tank repair cost: from 12,434 to 12,672 credits
Chassis 1/2 – VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. A
Dispersion from movement (max): from 0.22 (8.36) to 0.20 (7.60)
Dispersion from hull rotation (max): from 0.22 (5.74) to 0.20 (5.22)
Chassis 2/2 – VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. A verstärkteketten
Dispersion from movement (max): from 0.20 (7.60) to 0.18 (6.84)
Dispersion from hull rotation (max): from 0.20 (5.84) to 0.18 (5.26)
Gun 3/3 – 10.5 cm Kw.K. L/52
Reload time: from 9.68 to 8.53 s
Aiming time: from 2.21 to 1.92 s
Rate of fire: from 6.20 to 7.03
Accuracy at 100 m: from 0.35 to 0.34
Average damage per minute with AP/APCR shells: from 1,983 to 2,250
Average damage per minute with HE shells: from 2,602 to 2,953
Turret 1/2 – VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. A
Durability (hitpoints): from 1,470 to 1,500
Turret 2/2 – VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. A Schwerer Turm
Turret armor: from 185/80/80 to 255/120/120 mm
Durability (hitpoints): from 1,570 to 1,600
Tier X Vz. 55

For fairness’ sake WG should nerf Skoda T56 as well.
Stfu, no, it’s a premium, although yes it need a nerf. However how- the alpha is high- so is the dispersion, reload time and time between shells. The armour is ok and the mobility is sluggish. I just don’t see a way of a fair nerf.
Bullshit, any tank should be nerfed if it’s problematic regardless of how it was acquired. People who got to dick with OP tanks for years should be happy they got to dick with them for so long, so there is no ground for any sort of compensation.
As for nerfs, a reduction to alpha damage or a nerf to magazine reload would be a good start.
There are people out there that are complaining about the chief and 279 nerfs. You really think that people wouldnt complain if they start nerfing prems? Everybody wants to nerf the op ones but there will always be that small but loud population that vehemently opposes it and ruins it for the rest of us
I saw what happened when WG removed the gun rammer from Italian medium tanks (which should have never had it in the first place) including Progetto 46, people in the forum and on reddit went mad and kept screaming until WG buffed the premium’s stock DPM to what it was with the gun rammer. As things are, Progetto 46 has a permanent gun rammer free of charge, let that sink in.
And of course, when confronted about it, the screeching kids would reply that they paid real money for it, and so it could not be nerfed (according to them).
These morons are why tanks like Object 279e exist in the first place.
The age demographic of this game are NOT kids.