WoT Supertest: Pz.Kpfw. Tiger-Maus 120t Historical Reference

Pz.Kpfw. Tiger-Maus 120t (Germany, Tier-9, HT, premium)

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Historical reference:
The project of a super-heavy tank weighing 120 tons, work on which was carried out in September-December 1942. The designers planned to install a turret from the Pz.Kpfw. Maus, and take the engine-transmission group, cooling system, chassis and a number of other components from VK45.02 (H). The tank was named Tiger-Maus. The project was curtailed, but later revived as part of the work on the E 100.

source: WOT Express

17 thoughts on “WoT Supertest: Pz.Kpfw. Tiger-Maus 120t Historical Reference

  1. Unlike the ballbreaker, the VK75 is at least somewhat fun to play.
    Also, I wonder if we might see this in the christmass gambling boxes.

    1. what dafuck is fun to play at that fking pice of shit tier 8 no kv 2 aimtime, reload of arty and armour of kv 5 ?

  2. When will War Gaming stop creating all of the fantasy tanks, that never existed and most were never ever conceived? It’s funny how this sucky company wants you to waste your hard earned money on such a now crappy game. Used to be fun & enjoyable now, it’s so bad many people are truly quitting, like me.

    1. This game is too old.
      The graphics are like from 2005 and the sound is like from 1996 with one game mode is surprising they get 20k players online

      1. you must be playing on low quality graphics or never actually played games from the mid 00s and 90s lol

      2. hahaha i think you dont play with ultra high graphics and you never played other games to really compare haha their engine is working well, and WG make a great job to still stable for EVERYONE, not only players with crazy high end PCs like a lot of studios. Cause you have a really limited thinking, im pretty sure you are the kind of player who plays Call of Duty or these kind of shitty games.
        And i think you never played the real oldschool WOT…
        Continue to be an incredible idiot ! here its a place to react to a vehicle and you are just whining about graphics haha

      3. You’d be very surprised then to know that there are almost always more than 100K players online at any time. I think the game is doing just fine.

    2. If you bothered to actually do any base level looking into, you’d actually find that the tiger maus is a real thing. Now the design wg has gone for with this is a bit more on the fantasy side, but honestly that’s perfectly fine since it’s supposed to be either a premium or reward variant of the mauschen/maus, so it’s not the worst thing that wg decided to place the turret in the rear instead of the center of the hull.

  3. These huge and slow superheavy tanks are just piniatas for gold slingers to farm, not worth it while WoT is in its current state.

  4. all these comments left by brain rotted retards dont realize this tank has better armor than the maus and vkk combined which is what this tank is, its going to stomp on people but be terrible for damage cause you cant chase shit at the end of fast games

  5. Let it go, let it go
    Can’t hold it back anymore
    Let it go, let it go
    Turn away and slam the door
    I don’t care what they’re going to say
    Let the storm rage on

  6. I think this, the lts , the tier 5 German , and the new Russian ht are the campaign tanks. But I could be wrong.

  7. Well im not putting another dime into this game unless they fix the mm . So ill never get to play it .

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