WoT Supertest: LTS-85 Historical Reference

LTS-85 (USSR, Tier-8, LT, premium)

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Historical reference:
By the mid-1960s, the firepower and armor protection of the PT-76, the only amphibious tank in service with the USSR Armed Forces, was no longer enough. In this regard, a project of a floating tank with more powerful weapons and armor appeared. It was supposed to arm the vehicle with an 85 or 100 mm gun with an automatic loader, which would reduce the number of crew members to three and increase the rate of fire. Work on this machine did not go beyond sketches and preliminary calculations.

source: WOT Express

5 thoughts on “WoT Supertest: LTS-85 Historical Reference

  1. Oh look another over powered russian commie light tank

  2. Anyone know if and how this relates to the PT-85 that was build? Description and looks of this thing kinda is similar to that of the existing PT-85. Though it does not completely fit the pictures I find of the PT-8, it looks eerily similar.

  3. Just what nobody is asking for. More/better maps? Larger maps for upper tiers? Fix MM and RNG? WG doesn’t care.

  4. well, an amphibious tank would indeed be an interesting addition, but the maps would need to be checked for the possible effects on new ways to move around on the map.

    but all in all it would only be a very spots, that would need to be checked.

    Rest of this tank needs to be checked (armor layout in terms of autobounce etc.).

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