WoT: Fair Play Update: Cheaters Get Banned!


Today, we have taken another step in this direction and placed a ban wave across all servers. In this wave, we’ve penalized 11,627 accounts in the EU region: 8,437 of these accounts have received their first warning and a seven-day ban, and 3,191 have been banned permanently.


Today, we have taken another step in this direction and placed a ban wave across all servers. In this wave, we’ve penalized 212 accounts in the NA region: 138 of these accounts have received their first warning and a seven-day ban, and 74 have been banned permanently.

20 thoughts on “WoT: Fair Play Update: Cheaters Get Banned!

    1. Oops, I got banned!!!
      Looks like I need to stop mapping in War3 and be a stats padder in WoT once again 🙁

    1. I expect plenty of the banned accounts on EU to be Chinese, they’ve been flooding Western online games for some time and their “everything is fair to win” mentality doesn’t help.

      1. RU players are on the NA server btw.. seen them playing in the sa server.. at tiers 1 to 5

        1. EU also has all the Ukrainians who chose to bail from RU due to the war, though they don’t seem to be bad guys (for now).

          1. Ukrainians don’t have time to play computer games about war they are in a real war you retard

            1. thats what I thought as well, but in the spring CW they were everywhere, so do a fact check before u call anyone retard

              also they did one shot ammo rack+fire on almost everyone, which was really interesting

              1. Everyone has kids. Nevertheless after the war began tons of Ukrainians went to work in the west, I had a ton at work last year in Netherlands

                1. I mean, WG offered any Ukrainian with an account in the RU server to transfer over to EU free of charge when hostilities began.

            2. lol yeah….such war….there are tons of Ukrainians joining EU servers and ruined them, most of them using cheats! we played against them so many times….

              1. They are called white paki’s Because these ukraines are like pakis coming in all our countries with no jobs or money and ten kids

      2. It’s always the slant eyed pieces of shit there worthless in life other then to bring disease so they have to get on here to feel like there wotlrth aomething

  1. These are just numbers with no value.
    WG can invent anything he wants, If he wants his statements to have value, he should provide more precise data without hiding behind “respect privacy”.

  2. The cheat ban should be immediate. And if not, at least:
    Lists of banned accounts and accounts with warnings should be posted for friends to see.
    The account name with a warning cannot be changed for at least 3 months.
    People with an active alert should not be allowed to use the anonymizer.
    There should be a special tag in the battle and results for those with a warning.
    Clan pages should show how many clan members got banned and when.
    A genuine anti-chitter system should be introduced.

  3. Let’s go Win11 and use TPM based bans. Banning not the IP, but the computers motherboard/cpu instead. Like Valorant does/will do.

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