WoT 1.21.1 Common Test: “Apparition” 3D Style for the WZ-111 model 6

WZ-111 model 6 (China, Tier-8, HT, premium)

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Historical Reference:
The project of the 111 heavy tank was developed in the early 1960s. The vehicle was based on the designs of the Soviet IS-2 and IS-3 and was meant to be similar to the T-10. In addition, the Chinese designers managed to get the ČKD’s concepts of the Czechoslovakian heavy tank turret of the late 1950s, which they tried to use in one of the design versions.

WZ-111 model 6 – “Apparition”
“Father was rarely at home, but he never missed special occasions or my and Yongmei’s birthdays. He wasn’t really interested in anything and spent his rare days off in his study or playing Mahjong in the teahouse. I think fortune often favored him. The last time I ever saw him was in June 1966. Father came early in the morning. My sister and I were having breakfast when he approached us, smiled, and presented me with a photo of a tank I’d never seen, even though by then I was very interested in them. Mother said he was sent off on another business trip that same day.
…I saw him! It was my father, no doubt about it! He appeared out of nowhere, emerged from smoke and flames. He shielded us from machine gun fire, flattened the enemy pillbox, and disappeared as quickly as he had appeared. It all happened so fast. My guys didn’t even realize what saved them. But I’d been looking at that photo so much…”
Non-historical, Suitable for vehicles: WZ-111 6, ID: 815.

10 thoughts on “WoT 1.21.1 Common Test: “Apparition” 3D Style for the WZ-111 model 6

  1. Historical reference: they built a hull. The hull is still in a museum. They never put a turret on it.
    Turret roof reminds me a bit of a turtle’s shell.

    1. I don’t think we should bother with “historical accuracy” in WoT, not anymore (and certainly not with the Chinese techtree). Personally I don’t care about how historically accurate tanks are, so long as they are somewhat balanced – fun to play AND fun to play against. I know some people care though.

      1. What, we should just embrace the Wargaming Cinematic Universe? 😛
        But yeah, balanced tanks über alles.

  2. It’s unconfirmed, but this tank should be the “secret” premium of the 4th BP chapter that’ll go live in the next patch. I hope it’s the truth.

    1. Mediocre you said?
      Look at that turret, even tier 10s will struggle again such an insanely strong turret.
      The hull is good enough for a tier 8 HT.
      Mobility is fine.
      Gun handling is bad yes it’s not like you can’t hit shit.
      High DPM + high pen + good alpha allow you to really nasty things.
      This thing looks like a farming machine for me.
      I estimate it will need 3.3k+ to get the 3rd mark.

  3. “The Chinese engineers managed to get the CKD’s concepts of the Czechoslovakian heavy tank turret”. A lot of effort was put by WG to copy the fake heavy tank turret of the Vz. 55 folder in the game files, to “deliver” it to the “Chinese engineers”, who live in the Chinese tanks’ folder and to paint it green.
    Kudos, WG! I’m ok with bringing in fake tanks but please, don’t bother with stupid NON-historical references – it’s just pathetic.

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