WoT: Malinovka – History of creation, statistics, strategies

A map known to all tankers. Malinovka celebrates its birthday practically together with the World of Tanks project. The location has several distinctive features: a memorable soundtrack, a unique charm, a recognizable setting, and a landscape almost completely used for game combat.

History of creation

Initially, “Malinovka” was conceived as an alternative to two maps already issued by that time: “Karelia” and “Himmelsdorf”.

Malinovka served as a source of inspiration – a district of Minsk, where some of the developers lived, and a village located near the city. The main motive was the desire to do something close to the native, familiar environment (“Soviet / Eastern European” setting).

The main differences of the map in terms of gameplay are the ability to maneuver virtually throughout the location and the maximum balance of possible actions and counter-actions for both teams.

The players were presented with a large open space, different from the mountainous and wooded setting of Karelia or the urban setting of Himmelsdorf. Now the players can conduct positional combat (both for the lower and for the upper base) and make maneuverable coverages along the mountain or the hollow under the mountain, where the village is located in the current implementation.

As you can see, the map is actually divided into two parts by a lake.
  • It is an open field, on both sides of which there are well-fortified positions of teams.
  • The team’s base in the northern part is protected by a small moat and boulders located right next to the vehicle spawn.
  • The team’s base in the southern part is a set of buildings, in the form of cowsheds (referred to by the players as “sheds”).
  • In most cases, the exit to the field is extremely risky, so the players are looking for alternative ways to attack.
  • There is a swamp between the field and the lake. It is not suitable for a fast attack, but the abundant vegetation provides excellent camouflage, for example, for light tank operations.
  • Important points such as the mountain, the church and the village are located here.
  • The key position is a mountain with a mill and two houses located on top.
  • Capturing the mountain provides control over the entire part of the location. However, the path to the top is open, very steep, with possible shots. Players on heavy tanks or tank destroyers prefer to wait for the rise of faster allies first.
  • There are a few more traditional locations for heavy tanks and tank destroyers: the forest and the church at the top of the map.
Last but not least, the map is convenient for defending and destroying the enemy with artillery forces.

Deep detours using available cover (bushes, terrain folds, village houses) can decide the outcome of the battle. However, a coordinated attack, literally, “across the field”, can also decide the outcome of the battle.

Statistics and interesting facts

Some interesting figures and facts for this year’s active battles on the map.

Damage and shots:

Actions / in units damage HT MT LT TD SPG
Maximum recorded damage inflicted by class in battle 15 217 14 363 11 742 14 804 6 255
Average damage per battle by vehicle class (for Tier IV–X vehicles) 899 812 311 937 884
Average number of shots per battle 7.78 9.9 6.35 8.67 10.73
Max damage with assist (including all actions) 14 393 17 730 22 389 14 316 9 581
Total number of shots for the selected period * more than
64 million
more than
74 million
more than
16 million
more than
55 million
more than
22 million

How many “epic” achievements were received by all players during the year of battles on the map?

  • Raseiniai Heroes Medal – 14;
  • Kolobanov Medal – 1,074;
  • Pool Medal – 972;
  • Radley-Walters Medal – 19,937.

How many map meters do tanks travel in a battle?

Distances on average in meters that types of vehicles pass 1189; 1286; 1420; 932; 365

Interesting Facts:

  • The Malinovka map is ranked 18th in terms of adding to the exceptions among players. In total, there are 40 maps for Random Battles in World of Tanks;
  • The maximum number of platoons in a battle on the map is 7 platoons;
  • The maximum number of spotting by one player is 15 vehicles.
  • “Candle in the center” is a famous meme and it is associated with Malinovka;

*   All battles were counted, regardless of the level and class of vehicles. The analyzed period was selected from 10/13/2021 to 10/13/2022

Heat Maps

“Heat maps” is a code name for a gaming activity monitoring tool.

“Journey map in the “Standard battle” sub-mode”

The directions of passing vehicles of both teams in the sub-mode, positions, as well as the points where the movement ends are indicated.

“Map of occupied positions in the “Standard battle” sub-mode”

The points where players usually take positions when playing a sub-mode are indicated. On such maps, the features of the actions of the players are clearly visible.

“Map of shots in the “Standard battle” sub-mode”

The directions of shooting of the players of both teams in the sub-mode and the positions from which it is conducted are indicated.

“Journey map in the “Encounter battle” sub-mode”

The directions of passing vehicles of both teams in the sub-mode, positions, as well as the points where the movement ends are indicated.

“Map of occupied positions in the “Encounter battle” sub-mode”

The points where players usually take positions when playing a sub-mode are indicated.

“Map of shots in the “Encounter battle” sub-mode”

The directions of shooting of the players of both teams in the sub-mode and the positions from which it is conducted are indicated.

“Map of positions and places of “deaths” in the sub-mode “Standard battle””

The points where the destroyed equipment is located most often at the end of the battle are indicated. 

“Map of positions and places of “deaths” in the “Encounter battle” sub-mode”

The points where the destroyed equipment is located most often at the end of the battle are indicated. 

Strategy and tactics of warfare

“Malinovka” is perceived as a location with a relatively flat terrain, however, it has several serious drops, as well as hills.

One of the hills is a serious key position. We are talking about the mountain located in the upper right corner of the map. It opens up convenient firing points and a path to the rear of the enemy base. That is why the capture of this point is a priority task for the players of both teams.

There are several more important positions that can be used to increase your own effectiveness in battle:

  • Use cover on both bases (buildings or rocks). From them, you can give the initial shooting in the presence of light, squander the enemy team on durability points and hide when detected;
  • Don’t lose sight of the field, where fast tanks can drive to bases, “squeeze” under cover and give information about the presence/absence of opponents;
  • The swamp with bushes, located in the central part, is a favorite place for light tanks, from where they perfectly shine through the opposite spawn and can approach the bases;
  • The forest with various terrain differences near both bases is well suited for deterring attacks and SPG actions;
  • From several hills near the river dividing the location, most of the map is shot through;
  • A small village under the mountain will allow you to safely curl up under the hills and highlight them, as well as the forest.
  • Don’t forget about the defensive positions in the form of a church for the top base, and a rock for the bottom one. This will allow you to control the mountain.

Standard battle: tips for different classes of vehicles

  • The map gives a lot of room for maneuver. Chances are you’ve already heard of two favorite tactics: “passive light” and “active light.”
  • The main task is to occupy and hold the mountain, a key position on the map. Guaranteed excellent shooting at the entrances to the base, forest and hills near the bases.
  • It can be difficult to use heavy tanks in this location due to open spaces. And, accordingly, tactics depend on the type of TT used: mobile vehicles and super-heavy slow vehicles.
  • The map provides a wide range of options for the actions of machines of this class.
  • Experienced allies on light vehicles will be a big plus for self-propelled guns. Self-propelled guns can always use the initial light and shoot at the car that did not have time to disperse from the bases.

Encounter Battle: tips for different classes of vehicles

The difference between the “Standard Battle” and “Encounter Battle” game-modes is that all players spawn at two points on either side of the mountain. Generally, the tactics of the game do not change: you need to capture the mountain, a key position on the map, at any cost.

The difference can be felt by players in heavy vehicles that have previously operated in the vicinity of bases, as well as in light tanks. Accordingly, fast tanks of all classes are more likely to drive along the edge of the field and go behind enemy lines. The field is almost not used due to the remoteness from the main collision area – the mountains.

  • The main area of ​​action will be the squares in the village under the mountain or the capture of positions for highlighting in the same place. However, you need to act carefully.
  • Heavy non-maneuverable vehicles will be able to take an active part in the capture of the mountain, a good option would be to enter defensive positions near the church or under a stone.


Recent map changes

Update 1.18.1 :

  • In square E7, positions for light and medium tanks of the upper team were improved:
    • The slope became wider and less steep.
    • It is now possible to drive to the top of the hill (to the bushes) without being spotted from the base and TD positions.
    • The rock that provided cover from enemy fire was replaced with a bigger terrain structure that ensures better protection and positions in attack.
  • The opportunities to defend the upper base were improved:
    • The terrain of the base circle was leveled.
    • The farm near the base circle was moved from the line of fire for vehicles moving downhill (from the mill) and from the forest.
    • The number of bushes within the circle of each base was reduced to one.

5 thoughts on “WoT: Malinovka – History of creation, statistics, strategies

  1. I wonder if those max damage numbers exclude games where the server crashed and only a few players could log back in?

    1. You obviously have no clue on how to play those if you can’t break a camp on either of those maps. Mal and prok are objectively two of the best maps in the game and just cause dogshit players wanna complain about not having a hulldown at the end of a corridor to sit and are being forced to actually think and work with the team doesn’t mean they’re bad, just means you’re bad.

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