WoT: Everything About The Account Transfer

Important: The information provided is current.
When changes and additions appear, they will be marked separately with the date they were added to the document.

Account transfer basics

A new account is being created in the EU region, to which your progress in all Wargaming projects will be transferred.
The old account in all projects in the CIS region will be blocked and put on deletion.
In the RU-region, you can continue the game on the account of the CIS-region.
Game values ​​and statistics
All game values ​​are transferred to the new EU account except for:
1) M4A2E4 Sherman – compensation will be 1500 gold;
2) all cosmetic items tied to the M4A2E4 Sherman – compensation will be equal to the purchase price in gold;
3) T-44-100 (I) – compensation is not provided.
Also note that ~100 different items of in-game property will be adapted in whole or in part (for example, the appearance of crew members and / or their voice acting, styles, emblems, decals, inscriptions, etc.) can be changed.
Game statistics may be partially unavailable for some time periods.
All game values ​​are transferred in full.
Game statistics will be preserved in full.

Payments and prices
For players from the Russian Federation or the Republic of Belarus, after the transfer to the EU region, payment in the Premium Shop will not be available (from the date the account transfer procedure is opened). The exception is the case of changing the country of the account if there are  grounds for this.
For players not from the Russian Federation or the Republic of Belarus, after the transfer of the account to the EU region, all payment methods will be available.The pricing approach will be similar to that in the CIS region.
For players from the Russian Federation or the Republic of Belarus  , the availability of payment methods will not change after the account transfer.
For players not from the Russian Federation or the Republic of Belarus, after the transfer, payment methods will not be available from the date the account transfer procedure is opened.
For a comfortable game, new peripherals will be created:
EU3 – Luxembourg
EU4 – Kazakhstan
In the future, as necessary, it is possible to expand server capacities and add new locations.
Servers will be available:
RU1 — Moscow
RU2 — Moscow
RU4 — Yekaterinburg
RU5 — Moscow
RU6 — Moscow RU7
— St. Petersburg
RU8 — Krasnoyarsk
RU9 — Khabarovsk
Servers RU3, RU10 and RU11 will be disabled.
Ukrainian and Russian languages ​​will be added to the official portal of the EU region  , Ukrainian, Russian and Kazakh will be added to the game client.
Sections for communication in Ukrainian and Russian will be added to various official communication channels.
The operating language remains Russian.
The new account is assigned a nickname according to the rules: if the existing nickname is not taken in the EU region, it will be transferred as is. If busy, the system will create a technical nickname with the ability to change it for free.
The account retains the nickname of the CIS region.
If you are a clan commander in World of Tanks, then a clan will be created in the EU region and clan property from the CIS region (treasury, fortified area, industrial resource, etc.) will be transferred.
A clan will be created with a technical tag and a name with the ability to change them for free.
The clan in the CIS region will be disbanded.
If you are a clan commander, the clan will be saved with all attributes.
How long will it take to change the decision after the transfer has already been made?
If you transferred your account to the EU region and then changed your mind, you will have 59 days to return to the RU region.
The process includes the following steps: 14 days after the successful transfer of the account to the EU region, an automatic request for deletion will be set for the account in the CIS region. Account deletion will be initiated 45 days from the date the deletion request was made. In the event that the account of the CIS region is deleted, a return to the RU region will not be possible. Those. you will have 59 days to change your mind and cancel the takedown request, and then through the CPC to remove the restrictions on the game. The request for deletion can be canceled by the player himself in the Personal Account .
If you transfer your account to the RU-region, but in the future you want to change your mind, you will have the opportunity to do this in your Personal Account . The functionality will be available for an extended period of time. We will announce the completion dates separately.
The content of game events and updates, as well as the range of promotions, special offers and bonuses may vary by region.

Payments and affiliate promotions

I can’t pay for purchases with a card after the account transfer, what is the reason?
1. For players from the Russian Federation or the Republic of Belarus, after  the account transfer to the EU region, payment by cards of banks in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus will not be supported from the date the account transfer procedure is opened.
2. For players not from the Russian Federation or the Republic of Belarus, payment by cards will be supported after the account is transferred to the EU region. If problems arise, we recommend that you contact the bank or the CPP to find out the reason for the rejection of payments.
1. For players from the Russian Federation or the Republic of Belarus, after the account transfer, payment by cards of banks in the Russian Federation or the Republic of Belarus will be supported. If problems arise, we recommend that you contact the bank or the CPP to find out the reason for the rejection of payments.
2. For players not from the Russian Federation or the Republic of Belarus, after  the account transfer, payment by cards will not be supported from the date the account transfer procedure is opened.
Will my linked payment details be transferred after the account transfer or will I need to link the card/electronic wallets again?
1.  For players from the Russian Federation or the Republic of Belarus ,  after  the account is transferred to the EU region, linked cards / e-wallets will not be transferred. These payment methods will not be available in the EU region from the date the account transfer procedure is opened.
2.  For players not from the Russian Federation or the Republic of Belarus ,  after  the account is transferred to the EU region, linked cards / e-wallets will not be transferred. But you can link a card or wallet yourself.
1.  For players from the Russian Federation or the Republic of Belarus ,  after  the transfer of the account, payment data on cards of banks in the Russian Federation or the Republic of Belarus, Qiwi and YooMoney wallets will be saved. Paypal payment information will not be transferred.
2.  For players not from the Russian Federation or the Republic of Belarus when  transferring an account, linked cards/e-wallets will not be saved. These payment methods will be unavailable from the date of opening the account transfer procedure.
Will the links from the old account be removed?
Yes, this data will be deleted within 59 days of the transfer unless the player cancels the account deletion request.
If I withdraw the funds in the old account of the CIS region, will the new account be blocked? How to unlock?
Yes, the transferred account will be blocked when funds are withdrawn in the CIS region. You can only unlock your account by paying the outstanding balance for all the charged back payments. This can be done by contacting the CPP of the region. They will calculate the amount owed and tell you how to pay.
Will I need to set up two-factor authentication for payments again after the account transfer?
No, it doesn `t need. User settings for payment two-factor identification will be transferred if the card is supported.
Is a partial refund possible if something is not rescheduled? Will the premium account be transferred, some equipment that is not in the EU region?
Partial refund is not possible. Non-portable in-game assets will be compensated in gold.
What will happen to the Wargaming Card program for my account if I decide to transfer my account?
When transferring an account to the EU region, the bonus accrual program will not be supported regardless of the bank that issued the card. It will also not be possible to pay by card for goods in the Wargaming Premium Shop.
Please note that the Wargaming Card bonus program for cards issued by Alfa-Bank Russia and Alfa-Bank Ukraine has ceased to operate.Holders of already issued Wargaming cards will be able to continue using a bank card as a means of payment outside the Wargaming Premium Store until the card expires, regardless of the account transfer. For more detailed information on the banking conditions for using the card, you can check with the bank that issued the card.
When transferring an account to the RU-region, the program will continue to be valid for cards issued by Tinkoff Bank in Russia and Alfa Bank in Belarus (the accrual of bonuses under the program will continue).
Will my purchases and resources be transferred when I transfer my account? Will my purchase history be transferred?
Yes, of course, purchases and resources will be carried over; purchase history will not be transferred.
Will there be partnership promotions in the EU region with Russian companies (Tinkoff, Yandex, Telecoms, etc.)?
No, this will not happen.
Will the Yandex Plus World of Tanks subscription and the Game Tariff work after the account transfer? Will the T-44-100 (I) remain on the account?
After the transfer, you will still be able to link another account in the RU-region on a Yandex Plus World of Tanks subscription and the Game tariff. A previously linked account of the CIS region will be blocked when transferred to the EU region, and subsequently deleted. It will be impossible to link an EU-region account on these services. The T-44-100 (I) tank will not be transferred to the EU region.
The Yandex Plus World of Tanks subscription and the Game Tariff will continue to work, T-44-100 (I) will remain on the account.
What will happen to the statistics of the T-44-100 (I) tank and the 3D style on the T-44-100 (I) “Not a single gap” when the account is transferred?
The stats will remain,  the 3D style of No Breaks will be carried over when the account is migrated.
I have unused coupons  and unique offers in the Premium Shop (on the site) in the CIS region. Will they transfer?
No coupons or unique offers will be transferred.
Everything will be saved.
After transferring my account to the EU region, I still have friends in the RU region. Will I be able to send them gifts from a blocked account in the CIS region?
The ability to pay from a blocked (set for deletion) account will be disabled, it will not be possible to give gifts.
Will it be possible to buy something that was previously sold in the EU region, but is not now?
If an offer goes on sale in the EU region, you will of course be able to purchase it.

Account Transfer Details

How many times can I transfer an account/request a refund?
An account transfer can only be done once. You can also change your mind and transfer your account back once. Please note that there is a limited time limit for changing the original selection.
How is an account refunded?
Return from the EU region to the CIS region will be available within 59 days from the date of successful account transfer to the EU region. At the same time, the progress accumulated after the transfer in the EU region will not be transferred back to RU. You will have the opportunity to remove the blocking of the account in the RU region and continue from the point of progress from which the account was transferred to the EU region.
Return from the RU-region to the EU-region will be available through the Personal Account for a fairly long period of time. All progress and values ​​accumulated in the RU region will be transferred with the exception of the M4A2E4 Sherman tanks (and customization elements on it) and T-44-100 (I). Also, some elements of the in-game property will be adapted partially or completely.
Is the account transfer available for all players in the CIS region without exceptions or only for players from Ukraine?
Account transfer  is available  for all players in the CIS region without exception, regardless of their country of residence.
 What reasons can prevent the transfer of an account?
The main reasons that can prevent the transfer:
– the player moved his account to the EU region, and then returned to the CIS region and agreed to play with Lesta Games;
– the account was created after the transfer started.
To successfully transfer your account, you must have a username and password. This is due to the fact that after the transfer you will be able to log in to games only using your username and password.
Is it possible to transfer an account to NA or ASIA regions?
Account transfer is possible only in the EU region.
What will happen to my progress and game property if the decision to transfer the account is not made?
Progress and property remain on the account. After making a decision and completing the transfer procedure, you will continue to play the selected game with saved game progress.
Some property in the projects cannot be transferred to the EU region, and some of the property will be modified in whole or in part.
What if the mail associated with the account is unavailable for various reasons?
To solve this problem, contact the CPP in your region with an application.
Can I link one mail for accounts in the EU- and in the RU-region? What will happen if I have an account in the EU-region and the CIS-region registered for one mail?
Yes it is possible. Except for cases when an account in the EU region was already registered to this mail before the transfer.
If you have an account registered on the same mail in both regions, initiate an account transfer, we will request a new login and password in the process.
What will happen to my forum account during the transfer? Will my forum posts be saved?
Transferring an account to the EU region means deleting an account in the CIS region. Consequently, your messages and topics left on the CIS-region forum will become anonymous.
Your messages and topics created on the CIS-region forum will be saved.
I have a link to several social network profiles in my Personal AccountWhat will happen to these links after the account transfer?
When transferring an account:
– Steam & Epic Games tethers will be migrated. If they are available on the account, the system will check that they are not used in the EU region in other accounts;
– VKontakte (CIS specifics) and Microsoft bindings will not be transferred;
– other social networks will be transferred if possible, but may not be transferred if there are accounts with the same bindings in the EU region.
In any case, the player will be able to relink social networks for a new account in the EU region in the Dashboard.
Links will remain, but will become invalid from October, as social network identifiers will also change with the change of company. You will have to unlink them yourself through the Personal Account of the CIS region and relink them for Lesta Games.
When transferring an account, will my list of trusted sites be saved in the WG Dashboard?
Will not be saved. It will remain on the blocked CIS account until it is deleted.
The list of trusted sites will remain.
When transferring an account, will my developer account in the CIS region be preserved? Namely: methods, history, connected projects/things.
Will not be saved. When deleting a CIS region account, the data in the developer’s account will also be deleted. When submitting a removal request, two emails will be sent to the player:
– the first – as a player;
– the second – as a developer, if the user used the account to enter the developer’s account.
However, you will be able to  use the developer’s office in the EU region.
The developer’s cabinet will work differently, the history will not be saved.
When transferring an account, will the list of my applications be saved in the CPP?
Application history will not be transferred.
I’m using an authenticator for my account, what happens to it if my account is transferred?
The second protection factor will be transferred during the account migration.
Should we expect a paid transfer service soon?
The ability to transfer an account will be available free of charge and only as part of this process. The possibility of a paid account transfer is not planned.
I’m using a VPN or I’m temporarily in another country. Where will the account be transferred?
You will be able to choose where to transfer your account: to the EU-region or to the RU-region. The system will only focus on one of the options from the assumption, where the player will be more comfortable playing and buying game goods.
Will my ping change after moving to the EU region?
This is an individual question that is related to your ISP and physical location. In some cases, ping may improve, in others it may worsen. For players from Ukraine, it is recommended to choose an account transfer – in most cases, the comfort of the game should increase (we are talking about an Internet connection).
If I transfer my account  to the RU region, do I need to reinstall the game client? The question applies to all platforms.
You can play through the WGC before the advent of LGC. After the appearance of LGC, the update will occur automatically if you have selected the RU-region.
I want to transfer my WoT account separately, and leave my WoWS/WoTB account in the RU region. Can I do it and if not, why not?
If you want to transfer the progress of at least one game to the EU region, for example, WoWP, you first need to use the account transfer to the EU region. You will carry over the progress of all games at once, and subsequently you can ask through the CPP to unlock the progress of the games that you want to continue playing in Lesta Games. In this case, the ban for these games will be lifted in the CIS region, and the ban will be set in the EU. As a result, you will have 2 accounts from which you can play different sets of games.
If a chat is permanently banned in the CIS region, will it also be banned after the account transfer?
Yes, the chat will also be permanently banned.
How will the account nickname be transferred? What SPA ID  (unique account ID) will be assigned to the account?
The new account is assigned a nickname according to the rules: if the existing nickname is not taken in the EU region, it will be transferred as is. If busy, the system will create a technical nickname with the ability to change it for free.
The account will have a new SPA ID.
When transferring, the SPA ID and nickname will remain the same.
Will the test tanks, as well as the Supertest and volunteer vehicles, be transferred during the account transfer?
Yes, the listed types of equipment will be transferred.
Will there be shared resources in all projects, as it is now?
Within the same region, yes, nothing changes.
Will I be able to use one client to play in the EU and RU regions for different accounts, as it is now implemented in WoWS?
No, you will have to install a copy of the game client and launcher (WGC/LGC) in another region.

General questions World of Tanks

Something went wrong during the transfer – where should I contact and what should I do?
You need to contact the CPP in your area.
Why has my nickname changed? How to return the old one?
We changed your nickname forcibly, because. in the EU region there is the same nickname. However, you will have the opportunity to change your nickname once for free.
Nickname will not be changed.
Will it be possible to have a nickname in Cyrillic?
Unfortunately no.
What will happen to the account in the CIS region after the transfer?
It will be deleted 59 days after a successful account transfer.
After the account transfer, will my profile technically remain in the CIS region? Will other players be able to see my stats on the game portal/client?
The profile will be available until the account is deleted.
The profile will remain, the statistics too.
Will quick login via social networks work?
Yes, fast login will work, but it may need to be configured.
Yes, it will work.
Will the account be temporarily blocked during the transition?
Account in the CIS region is blocked immediately. The account transfer procedure usually takes a few minutes, but in some cases it can take several days.
Can I transfer an account with a permanent game or chat ban?
It is possible, but all account bans in the games of the CIS region will remain after the transfer.
When transferring an account, will the settings remain?
Partially remain.
Will my game statistics and medals be transferred?
Key information will be transferred.
Why, when transferring an account from the RU-region to the EU-region, the Hall of Fame statistics are transferred later than the account?
Rankings transfer may be delayed: account will be transferred before Hall of Fame rankings data. This is due to the fact that during the cut of statistics, the transfer of Hall of Fame data will be delayed until the end of the cut, while the transfer of the account does not block this. The maximum delay in data transfer is 2 hours.
What will happen to the progress of distinctive gun marks on vehicles? Will it be carried over or recalculated in the new region?
The marks will be transferred, the marks progress may be partially lost.
Will the 2D styles of the Battle of bloggers that were in the CIS region be transferred?
Yes, they will be moved.
Will it be possible to get or buy EU Season 8 Battle Pass 3D styles after the account transfer?
If they are available for purchase in the EU region, then you can. Otherwise, no.
If I haven’t claimed any rewards by the time the account is migrated (for example, Battle Pass rewards: training materials, equipment, blueprint fragments, 3D styles, crew members or Home Front Supplies), will I be able to claim them already in the EU region?
No, they must be collected before the account transfer.
I purchased the Enhanced Pass or I have progressed through an in-game event. What will happen to progress?
The current progress of game events and events will not be transferred. As well as unselected awards.
The current progress of game events and events will be transferred.
Will I be able to restore the sold equipment and demobilized crew members?
No, you can’t restore.
Yes, you can restore.
After the account transfer, I managed to buy vehicles, research new vehicles, win gold in the competition, and now I decided to go back, what will happen to this progress?
The reverse transfer of progress from the EU region to the RU region is not planned, only the unlocking of the CIS region account with saved progress at the time the account was transferred to the EU. The account in the EU region will be blocked.
When you transfer your account back from the RU-region to the EU, all progress will be transferred.
What will happen to non-recruited crew members (for the New Year offensive and other events) after the transfer?
Unrecruited crew members will disappear.
All will be saved.
Will uncompleted tasks for x5 experience be carried over when transferring an account?
Yes, tasks will be transferred.
Will progressions of milestone decals for tanks be kept?
Yes, progress will be saved.
Will research branches carry over if they are partially or fully unlocked but not researched?
Yes, they will be transferred.
Will all styles applied to vehicles, camouflages, decals, emblems, inscriptions, paints, etc., be preserved when transferring an account?
Yes, they will be saved. If these appearance elements are in the region. If not, they will be compensated.
Is it possible to compensate for untransferred property? What property will not be 100% transferred? Give me a complete list.
Yes, only one tank and several customization elements for it will be compensated:
– M4A2E4 Sherman – compensation will be 1500 gold;
– all visual elements tied to the M4A2E4 Sherman – compensation will be equal to the purchase price;
– T-44-100 (I) – compensation is not provided.
Also note that ~100 different items of in-game property will be adapted in whole or in part (for example, crew members and / or their voice acting, styles, emblems, decals, inscriptions, etc.) may be changed.
All game values ​​are transferred in full.
I have an unused bonus (or invite) code for the CIS region. I transferred my account to the EU region and did not have time to enter it. How can I be in such a situation?
You can activate such a code only for the region to which it is linked (CIS-region or RU-region).
What will be the voice acting of unique commanders: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Chuck Norris and others?
Voiceovers for unique commanders will be in English.
The voiceovers will remain unchanged.
What will be the voice acting of the unique commanders of the CIS bloggers?
There will be no unique voice acting.
The voiceovers will remain unchanged.
When transferring my account, will the special offers that I have on the Premium Shop website remain available for purchase?
No, these promotions will not be available.
Yes, they will.
Will the equipment stay the same or will it have to be done all over again? Are we talking about crew seating, equipment, equipment?
Equipment will remain the same.
If I win gold from bloggers/streamers in the CIS region, can I get gold in the EU region?
No, you can’t. Game property will be credited to the account of the region in which you participated in the draw.
How will the Varan 3D style be transferred to Object 780 with a unique number?
You will be automatically assigned a 3D style with a new unique number, that is, the style number will be higher than 15,000. A 3D style with a number that is in the CIS region will not be transferred to the EU region.
Will remain on the account without changes.
Will referrals remain? Will the referral program work?
When transferring a commander’s or recruit’s account to the EU region, the referral connection will be broken after 59 days from the date of transfer. When transferring both accounts to the EU region, the referral link in the EU region is not saved
Referral links will remain. The referral program will run until September 27, and then it will be suspended in the RU region. Before this date, you must complete existing contracts and choose the final reward.
I have not selected the final reward for the referral program. What will happen to her after the completion of the referral program in the CIS region?
In order not to lose the reward, you need to choose it before September 27th.
When transferring an account, will the progress of recruits for the “Sgt. Hartman’s Medal” achievement be preserved? Or will the number of recruits required for this achievement be reset to zero?
The progress of the “Sergeant Hartman’s Medal” achievement is carried over with the same number of all recruits trained by you.
When transferring an account, if I previously uploaded replays of battles to a separate site http://wotreplays.ru/ , how will they be signed? Will I be able to continue using this site, edit my old replays or upload new ones? If so, how?
You will be able to upload new replays to http://wotreplays.eu/ . Replays uploaded before the account transfer will remain on the http://wotreplays.ru/ site , and the option to edit them will disappear.
We plan to keep the resource where you can upload replays of battles as before, but its address will most likely change.


Can I transfer my clan? What will happen to my clan in the CIS region if I decide to transfer?
Yes, if you are its Commander. If you transfer an account to the EU region with a clan, then the clan in the CIS region will be disbanded.
There will be no clan changes.
Will it be possible to transfer the clan back from the EU-to the RU-region after some time with or without my personal account?
You can return a clan back to the RU-region only together with the account of the clan commander, if it has not changed after the account was transferred to the EU-region. To return the clan to the RU-region, you must contact the CPC.
What happens if I transfer clan management before the account transfer, and then decide to return? Will my clan be returned to me?
If you decide to return to the RU-region, then the powers of the Clan Commander will not be automatically returned
When transferring an account, does the Clan Commander have to transfer control of the clan to another player on his own? What happens if he doesn’t?
When transferring an account to the EU region, the Clan Commander “moves” with the clan. If the Commander does not want to transfer the clan to the EU region, he must transfer control before transferring the account.
Can I transfer my account to the EU region, but leave the clan in the RU region? Will I be able to transfer my clan after the account transfer?
Yes. If the player is a Clan Commander and does not want to transfer the clan, he needs to transfer control before transferring the account to the EU region. You cannot transfer a clan separately to the EU region. A clan can only “move” with the account of its current Commander.
What emblem will my clan have if I decide to transfer? What happens if this emblem violates European law?
When transferring to the EU region, the standard emblem will be installed for the clan. You can only change it to one that meets the requirements of European legislation.
What will happen to my clan if I change my mind and want to return to the RU region?
If a player wants to transfer his account back to the RU region, he needs to contact the CPP. The reverse transfer of a clan is possible only for the clan that was previously transferred with the account of its Commander from the CIS region to the EU region.
What tag and name will be given to my clan in the EU region if I decide to transfer?
In this case, a random tag and name will be generated for the clan. You will be able to change them for free.
Can I transfer my clan ID when transferring to the EU region?
When transferring to the EU region, a new ID will be generated for the clan.
Will I be able to return the tag and clan name if I disband the clan before the transfer?
When creating a new clan in the EU or RU region, you will be able to use the clan name and tag only if they are free in the corresponding region.
Will my clan’s statistics and ratings be transferred if I decide to transfer? What will happen to my clan’s statistics on the Global Map and in the Stronghold?
Clan statistics and ratings are not transferred to the EU region.
Clan statistics and ratings will be saved.
What clan property will be transferred with the clan if I decide to transfer?
The following property will be transferred with the clan: clan treasury (bonds, gold); clan buildings in the Stronghold with the same level as in the CIS region; all the clan’s reserves; all industrial resources available to the clan; all running production.
All property will remain intact.
What will happen to clan members if I decide to transfer?
The clan in the CIS region will be disbanded. All clan members in the CIS region will leave the clan.
What will happen to active applications at the Military Commissariat if I decide to transfer?
All clan applications in the CIS region will be deleted.
What will happen to the Clan Stronghold if I decide to move it?
When transferring, all clan property in the Stronghold (buildings, industrial resources and reserves) is transferred to the EU region.
What will happen to the progress of the Campaign if I decide to transfer?
The progress of the Battle Campaign is not transferred  to the EU region .
What will happen to the reserves and industrial resources in the clan warehouse if I decide to transfer?
All non-activated reserves and clan industrial resources will be transferred to the EU region.
What will happen to the rewards if I decide to transfer the clan during an event (season) on the Global Map?
Progress on the current event on the Global Map is not transferred  to the EU region.

Legal Issues

What happens to my personal data held by Wargaming when I transfer my account?
We will continue to store and process your data in accordance with our Privacy Policy .
Please note that your data will no longer be processed on the territory of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus. You can find detailed information on this subject in our Privacy Policy.
By making a choice in favor of Lesta Games, you initiate the transfer to the territory of the Russian Federation of the data necessary for further gaming activity in full.
Next, Lesta Games will invite you to read and accept the terms of the new Privacy Policy that applies to this company.
At the same time, you have the right, within 59 calendar days from the moment you made your choice in favor of Lesta Games, to send us a request to provide your data that we store and process, as well as to delete such data.
Your data that we have processed will be deleted within 59 calendar days from the moment you make your choice in favor of Lesta Games. Please note that, according to our Privacy Policy , we have the right to store and process your data for legitimate purposes for some time, after which such data will be deleted by us.
When transferring an account to the EU region, will my data from the CIS region be saved in the upload, which I can do (export) through My Account? For example, if in the future I want to see the history of my payments from the CIS region.
Yes, you will be able to continue to exercise your right to access the data. To do this, please follow the procedure provided in the Privacy Policy .
What documents will I need to accept before the account transfer begins?
You will need to accept the new License Agreement and also read the new Privacy Policy. In addition, you must agree to the Account Transfer Policy. Please read these Rules carefully before starting the transfer procedure.
You will need to accept the new License Agreement and also read the new Privacy Policy. The new publisher of the game for you will be Lesta Games.

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