Extensive Map Changes
In Update 1.18, a total of 14 locations were improved, including Berlin, Himmelsdorf, Pearl River, Murovanka, and many more. Some of the maps have been noticeably reworked, while others have undergone less significant or even selective balance adjustments. During the Common Test of Update 1.18, you will have the opportunity to assess all of these improvements and share your feedback.
This map underwent changes meant to make gameplay more comfortable for slow vehicles moving toward the clash area at the aircraft carrier. The number of covers on the way has been increased, allowing players to lose fewer hit points or even pass without taking any damage at all. Covers have been added in squares D1–D2 and E1–E2.
Covers have been added in squares C5–C6 and B5–B6.
In square K6, SPGs on the southern team can provide better support to their allies on the serpentine road. (The same is also true for the opposite side.)
Pearl River

A small cover—a rock—has been added for playing hull-down and controlling the central position.

The central passageway has been improved. The access route to the mountain from the southern base has been balanced (for both MTs and LTs), and the central way has been broadened to ensure easier maneuvers and better access to the mountain.

In square E8, the shape of the slope has been changed to make the way down toward the center of the map easier.

The mountain terrain allows for approach from all directions. The team that captures the mountain can see the entire map and fire at enemy vehicles far away. This area is best suited for medium tanks, as well as vehicles with good depression/elevation angles and a sturdy turret.

For the northern team, a cavity has been added in squares D9–D0 for an easier approach to the positions behind the castle, as well as for taking a defensive position or retreating in case of an attack by the southern team.

In square E9 on the northern team’s side, a position for hull-down play has been added. It allows for repelling the southern team’s attacks. (The same is also true for the opposite side.)

The shape of the castle’s corner in square E9 has been changed for easier sidescraping. A wall section that complicated attacks from both sides has been removed.
The cover to make combat more playable has been reworked. A space has been created to support the central courtyard and to hold off an attack across the bridge. (The same is also true for the opposite side.)Debris has been added at the corner of the building. This improves defense capabilities and reduces the area exposed to fire from the opposite side.
The area between buildings has been expanded for more comfortable vehicle movement.
The shape of the balcony in square C6 has been changed to provide opportunities that are similar to those of the balcony in square C5.

For the northern team, a way to safely leave the scouting positions in squares D6–D7 has been added.The access route to the zeppelin for heavy tanks has been covered. The main combat positions along this direction are protected from enemy fire.
In square B9, the position for the northern team’s tank destroyers has been reworked. The number of trees that made it possible to fire at the main point of encounter for heavy tanks (under the zeppelin) without being spotted has been decreased.
The area along the western border of the map has been reworked. It now provides enough room for the maneuvers of more vehicles (both HTs and MTs).The arrival of slow vehicles has become safer due to the changed terrain and covers added in squares C3, D2, F2, and G2. The terrain in the clash areas now provides more intermediate covers in squares E3 and F3.
The terrain in square F8 has been changed to keep the southern team’s vehicles from being spotted too early and during maneuvers.
Some foliage has been removed so that players can see the positions from which the enemy can fire at them.
The terrain in square H9 has been reworked to protect the point of encounter in the forest from fire from square K9.
STOP REMOVING BUSH COVER FROM MAPS. We have 4 min games bc the darn maps are way to open and no cover for the tanks to use .
Also you are removing td spots from most of these maps almost the last place for a td to use of most these maps yet you are not adding any place for tds , lights or paper mediums to use . Stop removing cover from maps no wonder we have 3 min games tank have no place to hide on these maps .
so once again steve in his is7 needs to get to the brawl areas without having to look left or right as he can now take the corridor without the risk of getting shot at..