TNH T Vz. 51. Statistics with crew at 100%:
Autoloader gun: 122 mm vz. 44-51 2A (turret TNH T vz. 51 druhý model – top)
Rate of fire: 4 ,53 4,23 rounds/minute
Damage per minute: 1 995 1 860
Damage per minute with HE ammunition: 2 403 2 240
Complete reload time: 23,97 s 25,89 s
Accuracy at 100 m: 0,36 0,38
Aiming time: 2,4 s 2,59 s
Aim spread:
- during turret rotation:
0,100,12; - during turret rotation, at maximum speed:
Shit version of t54 lol
Another tank ruined by WG bias stat changes….well done WG wankers!
Funny, its always either “Fuck WG they made this tank too bad” or “Fuck WG, they made another OP tank” and never something inbetween like “This tank would excel in XY but suck at BC”
Thinking critically and logically is hard yo
Well if they left the gun alone all would be okay, but as it is now it has bad armor and a bad gun.
How do you know it has bad armor? Are you a supertester? Didn’t think so.