WoWS ST 0.9.7, changes to test ships

Please note that all information in the development blog is preliminary and subject to change during testing. Any showcased features may or may not end up on the main server.

IX Paolo Emilio:

  • Main battery guns reload time lowered from 12 to 10.7 s;

VIII Anchorage:

  • Smoke screen dispersion time lowered from 124 to 104 s;
  • AP shells replaced with similar to VII New Orleans‘s:
    • Damage lowered from 5 000 to 4 600;
    • Velocity increased from 762 to 853 m/s;
    • Armor penetration lowered.

VII München:

  • Main battery guns reload time increased from 4.8 to 5 s;
  • Ballistics were changed: now HE and AP shells will lose speed faster and their flight trajectory became more arcing.

VII Florida:

  • Main battery guns reload time increased from 30 to 31.5 s;
  • Maximum AP shell damage lowered from 10 500 to 9 500;
  • Ballistics were changed: now HE and AP shells will lose speed faster and their flight trajectory became more arcing.

VIII Kansas:

  • Restoration of hit points by Repair party consumable lowered from 0.66% to 0.5% of maximum hit points per second.

IX Minnesota:

  • Restoration of hit points by Repair party consumable lowered from 0.66% to 0.5% of maximum hit points per second;
  • Armor of deck, sides and anti-torpedo bulges increased from 32 to 38 mm;
  • Sigma parameter increased from 1.7 to 1.8

X Vermont:

  • Deck armor increased from 32 to 51 mm;
  • Sides plating armor increased from 32 to 38 mm;
  • Restoration of hit points by Repair party consumable lowered from 0.66% to 0.5% of maximum hit points per second;
  • Turning circle radius lowered from 960 to 850 m;
  • Sigma parameter increased from 1.7 to 1.9
  • Ballistics were changed: now HE and AP shells will lose speed slower and their flight trajectory became flatter.

X Franklin D. Roosevelt:

  • Changed rocket parameters:
    • Damage lowered from 2 000 to 1 650.
    • Chances of HE shells causing fire lowered from 7% to 5%.

Source: WoWS Devblog