Steel Hunter 2020: 4 New Style Sets

More style sets were added to the 1.10 update files. Treated as non-historical, valued at 1750 gold. Available for vehicles of all nationalities and tiers.

Four styles have been made for free and four will have to be paid for. Here are the free ones (prizes).

“Sword of Artemis”

-All-year style, awarded for reaching the maximum level during Stage I of Steel Hunter 2020. Named after the goddess of hunting in ancient Greek mythology.

“Sword of Ullr”

-A year-round style, awarded for reaching the maximum level during Stage II of Steel Hunter 2020. Named after the hunting god in Norse mythology.

“Sword of Anhur”

-A year-round style, awarded for reaching the maximum level during Stage III of Steel Hunter 2020. Named after the hunting god in ancient Egyptian mythology.

“Sword of Devana”

-A year-round style, awarded for reaching the maximum level during Stage IV of Steel Hunter 2020. Named after the hunting goddess in Slavic mythology.