TAP Redesign: RSS PSA + Feedback Needed

UPDATE: Also added comment editing. Please try it.

Quick reminder to update your RSS feed from https://thearmoredpatrol.wordpress.com/feed to https://thearmoredpatrol.com/feed in order to make it work again.

Also, please check if you are still getting 500 internal server error when loading TAP. If you still have it, please comment below. Thanks!

19 thoughts on “TAP Redesign: RSS PSA + Feedback Needed

  1. Yeah I’m getting the 500 error pretty much all the time at least on mobile, happens both in WiFi and on mobile network.

  2. No “500 internal server error” here ๐Ÿ™‚
    EDIT: And edit seems to work ๐Ÿ˜€

  3. No 500 errors so far here.

    I’m happy to see that the site started to improve significantly since the redesign.

  4. Site loads correctly on my pc and mobile.
    comment seems to work too ๐Ÿ™‚
    one thing though: the text next to the two checkboxes below the comment section cannot be read in dark mode.(change color from black maybe)
    p.s.: Edit also works

    1. Can’t really fix the 2 checkboxes, although thankfully you can still comment without having to check them.

    1. It is back. Please try now. I am trying to remove the ugly white footer but not succeeding at it.

  5. No 500’s today
    Like the new site
    Slow as a dog accessing from the UK all day today !!!

  6. None of my comments are getting posted since the changes. Now trying from Chrome (earlier from Firefox on two different PCs and my phone). Lets see.

  7. i am getting continuosly error when i try to feed the website… (503 Service Unavailable)

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