Let’s spice things up, shall we? You now have the option to complete special missions in the Steel Hunter mode – after reaching the maximum level. We got something for both solo and platoon players, and the rewards are not too shabby, either. Without further ado, check out the Steel Hunter missions below:
Major Contribution
- 5,000
- 75,000
1 Personal Reserve: +100% XP for 1 hour
1 Personal Reserve: +300% Crew XP for 1 hour
- 3 missions: x5 XP for each victory
- Finish the battle as last tank standing.
- Once per day
- Only in the Steel Hunter mode
- Only when playing solo
- You must have reached level 25 in the Steel Hunter mode
Crucial Contribution
- 2,500
- 20,000
1 Personal Reserve: +100% XP for 1 hour
1 Personal Reserve: +300% Crew XP for 1 hour
- 1 mission: x5 XP for each victory
- Finish the battle as one of the last ten tanks standing.
- Three times per day
- Only in the Steel Hunter mode
- Only when playing solo
- You must have reached level 25 in the Steel Hunter mode
Major Team Contribution
- 5,000
- 75,000
1 Personal Reserve: +100% XP for 1 hour
1 Personal Reserve: +300% Crew XP for 1 hour
- 3 missions: x5 XP for each victory
- Finish the battle as last platoon standing.
- Once per day
- Only in the Steel Hunter mode
- Only when playing in a platoon
- You must have reached level 25 in the Steel Hunter mode
Crucial Team Contribution
- 2,500
- 20,000
1 Personal Reserve: +100% XP for 1 hour
1 Personal Reserve: +300% Crew XP for 1 hour
- 1 mission: x5 XP for each victory
- Finish the battle as one of the last ten tanks standing.
- Three times per day
- Only in the Steel Hunter mode
- Only when playing in a platoon
- You must have reached level 25 in the Steel Hunter mode