Future Black Market Tanks (Leak)

Posting only the items which have not been sold yet. The leak so far turned out to be accurate, just with the dates wrong:

PZ IV/V, PZ2 J, IS6B, Tier X camouflages that were only sold with lootboxes, T34B, FOCH155.

40 thoughts on “Future Black Market Tanks (Leak)

  1. Tier X camos…?

    I guess its the 3D styles of T57 H, BC 25T, Grille 15 and IS-7?

  2. Nah, MEH, BIG MEH, looked interesting, meh, and grumble.

    Seems my credit will save for awhile.

  3. PZ IV/V!!!
    Please!!! That the price be in credits… Oh RNG I beg you…

      1. Because V/IV is on a whole different level of Rare. Remember, they sold one for a few thousand € on that „charity“ auction.
        So i think this one will be for gold – and not cheap at all.

        1. Agree. Hydro was in prem shop a few times already. U could get it also with Razor mouse bundle. PZ V/IV not. However I have to say that I saw him quite often revently.

  4. After the failure that was the Alpine Tiger I really hope they will change their mind and sell something else rather than the black version of powercreeped garbage… Unless they sell them for cheaper than the Black Dog those are not going to sell well.

    1. I\’m amazed they thought they could sell 40K of them, when they barely sold 14K for the same price the two times it was on sale as is. Even if it\’s 500 gold cheaper vs the 112.

      1. when you tank into account that chinese tanks arent all that popular in EU, the price wasnt rly a discount, it was sold for like 10k gold, which is the regular price for tier 8 premium HTs, the 112 is arguably a better tank overall for the same price, and the people interested in chineses HTs alrdy have a wz-111/apline riger or the 112

  5. Well they have only sold things I own at 6 AM so far. Would not get upset if they had the Pz IV/V tomorrow, or even the skins as I lack 2 of them.

    1. No it\’s not, that\’s a myth that keeps circulating and that is why WG keeps selling the tank for outrageous prices – because players keep falling for it.

      The tank has very good armor for a Tier 3 mind you, but with gold being so widespread people have no issues going for the skill button. Also, Pz II J itself is a huge credit sink because it has a Tier 1 gun with such poor penetration using gold is more or less mandatory (that, and even with gold the pen stays pathetic).

    1. Probably because it\’s rare. It has never appeared in the premium shop, not even once.

    2. You see the stats and dont get it?
      By far the best gun handling, best mobility, best hull and second best view range.
      And you can only see T6 max.
      Believe me that thing is the best T5 tank in the game.

  6. PZ2J has tier 5 armour and a really bad tier 1 gun. I’ve lolled around in mine back in the day when I needed to crew train my RU and you lose between 50-100k every match you play if you want to do any damage at all.
    Funniest game I’ve had was a 1 against 1 at the end against another Pz2. I managed to win by cap when all his ammo ran out 🙂

  7. Overall the list is mediocre. I\’ll probably buy the V/IV and IIJ for novelty. Only a question if they\’ll be sold for credits and if I\’ll be around to buy them. I don\’t play top tier battles but I might buy the Foch 155 anyway just to keep it out of the wrong hands =P

    I always thought the AMX 50 series were good looking tanks.

  8. PZ IV/V = 6.500.000 silver credits its a HELL of a lot but ….

    could be a lot of loll\’s

    of course the T5 tomato teams & WN8 seal clubber\’s (T67.s) Tier 5 MM will no doubt bring this crashing down to earth quick

  9. Honestly,
    I think that WG would be killing new accounts (real new accounts, not rerolls) on NA if they release the PZ2J there.
    The 2J was released on all servers except NA. The reason is that there are thousands of seal clubbers on NA with ridiculous amounts of games on the old T18, The current Cruiser II (derp), M2 Light, T7 CC, H35, PZ1C, and an assorted bunch of absolute seal clubber tanks at tier 3 and below.

    Selling the 2J will be an epic mistake.

  10. 2J was OP until the introduction of T3s with over 50 pen. Now it\’s toothless and boring.

  11. 2J was OP until the introduction of T3s with over 50 pen. Now it\’s toothless and boring.

  12. 2J was OP until the introduction of T3s with over 50 pen. Now it\’s toothless and boring.

  13. 2J was OP until the introduction of T3s with over 50 pen. Now it\’s toothless and boring.

  14. 2J was OP until the introduction of T3s with over 50 pen. Now it\’s toothless and boring.

  15. 2J was OP until the introduction of T3s with over 50 pen. Now it\’s toothless and boring.

  16. 2J was OP until the introduction of T3s with over 50 pen. Now it\’s toothless and boring.

  17. 2J was OP until the introduction of T3s with over 50 pen. Now it\’s toothless and boring.

  18. 2J was OP until the introduction of T3s with over 50 pen. Now it\’s toothless and boring.

  19. 2J was OP until the introduction of T3s with over 50 pen. Now it\’s toothless and boring.

  20. 2J was OP until the introduction of T3s with over 50 pen. Now it\’s toothless and boring.

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