In the 1.3 update, we rewrote the conditions of the personal combat missions of Excalibur operations and improved the characteristics of the prizes from the first campaign. Now the time has come for the Chimera.
We want to emphasize the characteristic feature of this machine – high damage that should terrify rivals. Therefore, the parameters of the gun have been improved.
Improved targeting parameters, penetration and view range, and increased missile muzzle velocity. Shooting on medium distances will be easier, but to play on sniper positions, it’s still not enough – you’ll have to play the role of mobile fire support.
Chimera. Suggested changes:
Tier: MT-8, Great Britain
HP: 1 400
Engine: 900 hp
Power-to-weight: 15,95 hp / t
Max speed/Min speed: 50 / -20 km / h
Hull turning speed: 30 °/s
Turret turning speed: 26 °/s
View range: 380 (+20) m
Hull armor: 114 / 76 / 50 mm
Turret armor: 203 / 76 / 76 mm
Alpha Damage: 440 / 440 / 530
Penetration: 218 / 252 / 64 mm
Reload time: 15,5 s
Accuracy at 100 m: 0,36 (-0,02)
Aiming time: 2,5 (-0,2) s
Depression/Elevation: -10 / +20
Aim dispersion during movement and hull rotation: 0,2 (-0,04)
Shell velocity: 732 / 914 / 732 -> 950 / 1100 / 950 m /s