WG Stream Q&A, Part 1

Thanks to Vlad for translating.

 – SPG rebalance is coming to an end. We can say that the implemented changes did have the effect we’ve hoped for;

 – The stun mechanic is there to compensate the artillery rebalance, we changed it from a damage-dealing class into a support class. It should not oneshot anymore, but without stun it would be unable to halt an enemy advance. We’ve remade it into a so-called “territorial control unit”;

 – Toxicity of artillery should lessen with the rebalance, since one-shots will be way less common now. The toxicity came to be because the event “I was removed from the game”, which was the way artillery was preventing enemy tanks from advancing, greatly hurt the single player;

 – When talking about stun, everyone seems to forget about consumables cooldown, which mitigate the effect of it;

 – We also had internal tests regarding arty and tested various approaches, some thing were just so painfully obvious that there was no purpose in testing them publically;

 – There are some other things for artillery which can be implemented, this is a question of fine-tuning. Marking of targets and Battle Assistant will come as well;

 – We also had the idea of marking artillery after shooting with concentric cirles on minimap, but decided not to. Why? Because counter-battery is good, but this gives a great advantage for those playing against artillery; [TN: or maybe they didn’t want to blatantly copy a certain other game]

 – Arty will now have to think who to support right now, and not just rack up damage;

 – Arty will receive XP based on stun, it’s now an assist counter similar to spotting and tracking;

 – Personal missions for artillery will be reviewed;

 – We’ll be watching that arty and LT XP don’t drop;

 – Stun will be implemented after PT, will be tuned, we’ll change it based on feedback and statistics. Stun can be tweaked by many criteria: its’ effect, duration are not constant numbers;

 – If stun mechanics are received negatively or do not have the desired effect, artillery might be removed from the game;

 – We do not make up tanks and everyone knows that; [TN: lol]

 – Arty one-shots happen more often that ammo rack axplosions;

Tier 10 LT:

 – New LT are required for correct operation of the new MM. There is a true opinion that LT are not relevant anymore and are played for the personal missions. First spot in the match is not relevant;

 – The psychology of LT will change now: it is a fully-fledged tank now with good capabilities. People will have to get used to it, it’s different to former tier 8 LT;

 – We tried to rebalance view range of all classes on Sandbox, the reaction was quite negative. Players said that they didn’t want to depend on LT’s this much that could die within 30s in battle;

 – We now took up the practice to deploy earlier versions, prototypes on Sandbox;

 – There are some ideas for premium LT, but only after the changes. There are tier 8 ones: 2 good variants for the Americans, but none for the Germans – no options. Also difficult for USSR, even more so for China. We’ll dig in the archives;

 – No plans for tier 9 premiums;

 – T-50-2 will not come as premium;

New matchmaker:

 – Rejection of the old and creating something new – that’s how the new matchmaker came into being. We had very long discussions regarding the requirements, some were accepted, some were scrapped. Research shows that all platoons with lower tier vehicles have bad statistics. We have talked for a while about limiting tiers. All in all everything started from the 3-5-7 idea;

 – The new matchmaker is very versatile, the problems of the old one were known quite well. At the same time, we’ve encountered the situation that there is a quite specific distribution of tanks by tier – growing until tier 8, then a drop on tier 9 and again growth on tier 10;

 – The biggest novelty will be battles of one tier – if there are many tanks of the same tier, that do not fit in any battles, they are put in the same battle;

 – The less people are online, the worse will be the quality of the battles. Thus we ask of the players to play more so there are more online;

 – One thing which we have to think about are the setups which will cause “super defeats” for either side. Which conditions cause a battle to progress in a strange way from a statistical point of view, and thus adjust the MM in these cases;

 – We already delayed the new MM for long enough. We really want to bring this novelty to the players;

 – There are possibilities regarding map preference, it may be possible. For example 3-5 maps if you have premium, 3 maps on standard account, but if you overlay this with the new MM, there will be huge problems, but it might come eventually;

37 thoughts on “WG Stream Q&A, Part 1

  1. “[TN: or maybe they didn’t want to blatantly copy a certain other game]”

    It’s not like that other game copied the shit out of WoT…

    According to the answers regarding arty, they will stay in game. Sweet.

    1. AW has so much hassle in the development team so they just get rid of arty to eliminate the issue. But they have much much smaller audience so that seems ok for them

      1. AW is practically dead. They can do whatever they want and they’re risking basically nothing.

  2. – “Toxicity of artillery should lessen with the rebalance, since one-shots will be way less common now.”
    Wrong. You’re so wrong WG.
    FV304 has way lower alpha than a T92, but I’d much rather be shot by a T92 than constantly being clicked by a FV304. The main problem is that you tried to rebalance arty without actually knowing what the problem was. The one shot part was actually not the main problem. Although annoying, it’s part of WoT, same as if you make a mistake and get cought by 3 TDs. Sure, it isn’t a 1-shot, but it feels like a oneshot anyway.
    The main problem is how arty is played. It takes very little skill, you simply sit at the edge of the map and spam granades at unsuspecting victims. What difference does it make if you do 200 or 2000 damage do them? The first time they’ll get hit will still mean that they need to seek cover, ie they will camp until they notice that arty is shooting someone else. So much for dynamic gameplay.

    – “If stun mechanics are received negatively or do not have the desired effect, artillery might be removed from the game.”
    It’s already received negatively, it’s just that you don’t want to listen. And I have no idea what have happened to the people that participate in Sandbox. Before Sandbox opened there was atleast 1 thread every single day begging WG to remove arty. Now suddenly people are liking it, even though it’s the same shit as before but with lower alpha. Wake up guys, it’s the same problem, just that it comes in lower doses at a time. And when you start to get used to these lower doses, you’ll once again ask WG to do something about it.

      1. You really should learn to read before you call other people autistic. I want arty REMOVED, how the fuck does that make me an arty defender? Retarded dyslexical autist.

          1. dont expect something good from people who don’t bother to read, but are easy to throw insults. Of course they will use the worst one, trying to prove how mindless they are…

            anyway to throw my 2 cents on topic, removing arty, will make the game static and a heaven for all heavy tanks. Sometimes the vocal people are the toxic and the immature, and its a serious trap for a developer. I dont want to imagine how static the game will be with all these corridor maps. Everyone will play hull down or behind ridges, WoWs will be more dynamic in terms of action..

            1. So maybe we can get better maps and start to flank etc like you should do in a TANK game instead of having a 10 WN8 bob sitting 800 m back in base and clicking you to death?

              1. not only bad wn8 players do it, but also good players and instead of helping a push they sit back cause they will lose, cause xvm says 38& chances to win. The result is a ton of missed opportunities for a game to be won from gaps in the enemy lines.

  3. CTRL + F = search for Cheftain, U.K or British = nothing found = screw your useless Q&A

    1. I dream of a future we actually get the British heavy swap they promised us about 4 years ago.

  4. – There are possibilities regarding map preference, it may be possible. For example 3-5 maps if you have premium, 3 maps on standard account, but if you overlay this with the new MM, there will be huge problems, but it might come eventually;

    So… I could get rid of Mines when I’m in Tier 7+ and Kharkov when I play TD? 😛 And Lakeville and Mittengard because they utterly suck.

    1. it’s “preference” means you can choose few maps you would like to see MORE. You cannot opt out from Mines for example.
      You can choose to play a bit more in Ensk or Himmelsdorf, but you’ll still be at the mercy of the MM.

  5. I’m not expecting quality talks, but can we get loads of small and good changes such as get rid of Mines for t6+ games.

    btw when I saw this ↓↓↓↓ I spit my water out and my whole notebook is wet now, thanks WG.
    – We do not make up tanks and everyone knows that; [TN: lol]

    So they denied the existence of SerB design bureau and KZ design bureau?

    – There are some ideas for premium LT, but only after the changes. There are tier 8 ones: 2 good variants for the Americans, but none for the Germans – no options. Also difficult for USSR, even more so for China. We’ll dig in the archives;

    Trust me, it won’t be hard to pull something out for t8 prem Soviet, German and Chinese. For Soviet, just grab a T-54 and change its shape. SerB design bureau will get a new German tank done by Christmas. And just get a Type 62, give some changes on the gun and it will be ready for sale; just remember to add the “prototype destroyed in nuclear tests at 197X” in the description.


    – The less people are online, the worse will be the quality of the battles. Thus we ask of the players to play more so there are more online;

    Can WG pls rebalance more non-prem tanks so they are actually enjoyable to play. Not bring new t8 prem tanks every new patch.

    – We already delayed the new MM for long enough. We really want to bring this novelty to the players;

    So if it turn out bad,…..Can we kill u WG 🙂

  6. So retarded. Now people will have time to whine about arty while hiding during stun. Only way to remove arty toxicity is to remove arty itself…

  7. They need to fix the damn TD weight in the MM. I have mission MT-15 for T-55A for about over a year now, but can’t finish it because I barely get tier 9-10 TDs.
    While grinding a tier 9 TD i noticed that I get crushed in battles loss after loss, just like what happened after they increased the weight in the MM of the czech tanks and only get tier 8 matches in the T-25.
    Whoever is making the rules at WG, plays a lot of mediums and probably some heavies, because they fuck TDs every time they can, they fuck arty whenever they can, but heaven forbid they should give some setbacks to meds!
    This game is ruled by medium tanks now, and seems to me amazing that the only tanks that have them all don’t get “rebalanced”

    1. That’s what the pro says about MT-15 mission:
      15. Cromwell with E25, Comet/T20 with any pref MM tier 8 tank
      Why would you take a tier 8 tank in the first place anyhow?

  8. Just remove the cancer already! How dense do you have to be to not realize it does nothing positive for the game. And the premium spam makes me not want to spend time or money in the game. I like it when a premium is just as good as it’s in tier brethren so I’m not a hindrance to my team. But making premiums better than their in tier counter part is bs.

  9. ” – T-50-2 will not come as premium;” – why not? it works perfectly well as a premium on the Console 🙂

    1. I don’t understand their reasoning behind this… it would be a perfectly reasonable vehicle with the new match making and they could make a lot of money off it because so many people want it…

  10. Please, please, please… put AUFKLARUNGSPANZER PANZER back!!!! I need it. As a prem. It’s perfect. I miss it so much.

  11. – We also had the idea of marking artillery after shooting with concentric cirles on minimap, but decided not to. Why? Because counter-battery is good, but this gives a great advantage for those playing against artillery; [TN: or maybe they didn’t want to blatantly copy a certain other game]

    Blitzkrieg 😀
    Only way to destroy enemy arty was to either spot and destroy it with the traditionnal way… or to shoot with your own arty into the concentric orange circles, until they disappeared for good…

  12. I don’t get it- everybody is crying about arty that it oneshots. BUT how oft that happening? Not ofter than other tanks has lucky shots with ammoracks and Boom- oneshoted tank in garage. Why nobody complain about british FV TDs shitbox and death start with HE 260 penetration and 1750 alpha damage. It’s much more broken than arty.

    1. They can’t shoot from one corner of the map top other. They can’t shoot over obstacles. Arty players always compare themselves to tds. Tds have to fire line of site and within render range. And artillery doesn’t do shit to prevent vs camping because the campers aren’t spotted. My survival ratio is higher on my tds because of this.

      1. I don’t think so that arty is so bad. Why? Look at the general stats what avg dmg do arty and what avg dmg do other same tier tanks. Arty does smallest avd damage per battle.

        1. Note: What seems to be the real arty problem is that they get hit without being able to prevent it nor fight back in a direct sense.

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