A few days ago, I posted an article about the possibilities of there being a new turret for the Caernarvon. Aleksander Galevskyi, the same guy who originally posted the Caenarvon screenshots, posted another set of screenshots of what seems to be a new turret for the Conqueror with 14mm Burster plates. The spaced armor on the turret seems to be identical to the “Super” Conqueror or the Conqueror with extra applique armor that most people are familiar with. Link to an article by Listy on his blog for more information. You can see that it doesn’t have the spaced armor on the hull. However, the screenshots do show an extra bit of armor on the gun that isn’t on the photograph of the real life “Super” Conqueror.
There are no explanations for what this turret could be, but its likely a turret upgrade for the Conqueror. Alternatively, it could be a reward (there does seem to be a camouflage of some sort). Anyways, this turret will likely provide excellent protection against HEAT. Aleksander Galevskyi said this new turret should be out on 9.17, but it’s nowhere to be seen on the test server. It’s possible that he is misinformed or it’s coming in a later iteration of the test server.
Here are the screenshots.