MODUM (Modum – Perfumery and Cosmetics Factory) has launched a series of cosmetic products – named World of Tanks.
A new series of cosmetic products for men based on the popular online multiplayer game WORLD OF TANKS. The line includes shampoo, shower gel, shaving gel and aftershave.
While online, you can find a range of 7 products in this series, each of which has its own class technology and is made in an original style. The price is still unknown for now.
The company’s comments:
“We signed a contract license to issue a series of cosmetics under the brand WORLD OF TANKS. The rights of this series belong to us. The series has not yet been published in full, so we have not posted official news yet. The shipment of the series to stores begun about a month ago.
In 2015, Wargaming and MODUM signed the contract, which has resulted in the release of a new line of cosmetics for men :WORLD OF TANKS.
The series’ design was created jointly by the two companies. There was a full testing at which participated representatives of Wargaming “- Olga Tsavlovskaya (Head of Marketing of MODUM company)
The range and the directory itself (Russian):
The company produces a wide range of cosmetics and high quality oral care (creams, balms, shampoos, gift sets, toothpastes, mouthwash). The company is actively working on the cosmetic market for over 20 years and manufactures products for consumers in Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and other CIS countries, the Baltic States and Germany.
my brain hurts
…….shampoo…mouth wash……based off world of tanks
what is it? latrine flavor? motor oil?
toxic byproduct?(aka forum)
what does the arty style one do. give u cancer?
oh the jokes i can make on this…..
Ah finally
i\’ve always wanted to smell like a tank. the oily musk will give me such a social status!
Yupp, this is not a joke.
What took my attention was the arty one:
Moisturizing gel douche.
gel douche
I think they got this one just right XD
I wonder if this will ever come to Hungary, I would actually like to smell and perhaps try one of these. For the lulz.
But you know what would make this extra profitable? 50 free gold. With each purchased product. I bet they would find a way to do that, perhaps a sticker-hidden code.
You\’ll reek of scrublords with the SPG one
Perfect to complement Ivan \”Cyka Blya Rush B\” Ivanovski\’s Adidas sweat suit.
huh? what? wait why?
i like the game but why would i buy this? why would anyone?
jeez i was skeptical of the clothing they did this is the next level.
Your husband plays that game with tanks you know a bit about? Birthday or Christmas nearing? Bam, gift solved.
Their market isn\’t big these days and considering RU has few millions of people playing, mostly in their late 20s / 30s, these will always sell.
I\’ll take ten 🙂
Hmm, \”douche\” on arty and TD ones 🙂 They got it right.
I wonder if the shampoo is going to get removed halfway through the shower, or nerfed/changed to aftershave 😀
Can I also install XVM? I need to know which parts of my body to wash first.
Some of the players must spray these in their eyes, so they can\’t hit the enemy or even read the minimap. But I\’m sure they will buy a lot, most of them are douchebags finally…
Some of the players must spray these in their eyes, so they can\’t hit the enemy or even read the minimap. But I\’m sure they will buy a lot, most of them are douchebags finally…
Some of the players must spray these in their eyes, so they can\’t hit the enemy or even read the minimap. But I\’m sure they will buy a lot, most of them are douchebags finally…
Some of the players must spray these in their eyes, so they can\’t hit the enemy or even read the minimap. But I\’m sure they will buy a lot, most of them are douchebags finally…
World of Stank
Arty moisturiser, is that taken from the tears of all the salty players that got rekt and \”balanced\” by arty.
In that case, I demand to get my salary, I have contributed a lot to produce these tears.
WOT Perfume. Coz who doesn;t want to smell of diesel, petro and motor oil? Not to mention cooked up sweat, smelly uniforms,