AC 1 Sentinel available on the EU Server

Hello everyone!

We just got the AC MK.1 Sentinel available in the EU Premium Shop. Seems this “beast” of a tank can be bought for 6.20€ and when I say “beast”, means a really bad premium tank. Reviews from Community Contributors weren’t great, the tank needs to be buffed, it’s just bad at almost everything. I’ve thought on sharing with you PointyHairedJedi review, so you can have an idea of what this tank really is.

For the serious collector, it’s a tank to buy and leave it in the garage, for those who are looking for a low tier premium tank, just keep looking. Anyway, here are the details on the deals you can get in the Premium Shop.

The Sentinel

The Sentinel – Ultimate


The Sentinel


  • AC 1 Sentinel
  • 1 Garage Slot
  • 2,500 Gold
  • 1 Improved ventilation Class2
  • 1 Enhanced Gun Laying drive
  • 1 Medium-Caliber Tank Gun rammer
  • Bonus: Crew – 100% Major Qualification
  • Bonus: Australian camouflage pattern
  • Bonus: Custom emblems
  • AC 1 Sentinel
  • 1 Garage Slot
  • Bonus: Crew – 100% Major Qualification
  • Bonus: Australian camouflage pattern
  • Bonus: Custom emblems