Hard Times

Good evening dear readers. I feel like talking to you right now. My situation is not really the best at the moment, mostly because I am busy with school work again. Lots of stress, no free time left, exams and so on. Not too many interesting news for the blog, unsatisfying number of leaks and moreover I am feeling sad because the SHOJO clan (literally the first NA clan I made contact with, awesome friends) is dying… 24 members left in one day and only 40 are left now. TankaTed, a TAP coauthor, is from that clan too and he needs some support. SHOJO was a great clan. It used to have plenty of provinces on the CW map. But now, it is only a shadow of its former self.
By the way, I would like to thank you for staying on TAP. I really appreciate it. Many views are still coming, and I am struggling to keep the blog quality top notch. I like what I am doing, even if it takes time to perfect.
See you later 🙂