Clan Wars: The Fourth Campaign Incoming

Clan Warriors,

The World of Tanks team is announcing the start of the Fourth Campaign, the biggest event on the Global Map! Battling for the top prizes, unique Tier X vehicles, clans will face various challenges and earn fame points by completing clan tasks. To win the ultimate clan event of the year, spare no effort and claim your rightful place among the best on the Global Map.

Campaign Stages

The Fourth Campaign starts on November 23 and will consist of three stages:

  1. “Sting of a Scorpion“. This stage will be played in Tier VI vehicles.
  2. “Leap of a Lion”. This stage will be played in Tier VIII vehicles.
  3. “Snap of a Snake”. This stage will be played in Tier X vehicles.

Each stage presents various clan tasks and challenges. Each stage will be followed by a short break for clan members to gather their strength for the next stage. The playing area and Front sizes will also be unique during each Campaign stage.

During the Fourth Campaign, Season Fronts for vehicle Tiers VI, VIII and X will be suspended.

Awards and Achievements

The grand prize for the Fourth Campaign is 11,000 unique Tier X vehicles and top players will be able to choose which tank they are awarded with.

Four Tier X vehicles are to be selected from; top players will be able to choose one of them provided they do not have the same vehicle in their Garages at the end of the Fourth Campaign:

  • A brand new American medium tank Т95Е6 to be awarded for the first time