AW Planning to add WW2 Tanks?

Thanks, Arenta T., for sharing!

Looks like AW is conducting an e-mail survey, with A LOT of questions about the player’s experience in World of Tanks, and also some about the possible reaction to the introduction of WW2 tanks in AW.

Are they planning to steal WoT’s playerbase (the game looks pretty similar even now)? We will see.

Verdun (1914-1918) + GIVEAWAY!

Last week I posted something in regards to an event that shook the entire mankind: World War I. In that post, I also said that we have a surprise for you guys.

Recently, I saw Verdun go on sale on Steam so I thought why not buy it? I had been watching videos about it and reading some reviews about it and the game seemed to be pretty good. Not to mention it’s the only game of its kind, the only one that managed to attract my attention anyway.

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Scraps: BattleBots with GUNS (Review)

Hey everyone. You might have noticed that in the last period, new information was scarce. So I decided to make something new: a game review. You know how much I like Battlebots (and tanks), so this game was appealing to me from the first minute. What it is about? You build your robot and fight. It is like fighting rovers from Kerbal Space Program. Like mounting weapons on a RC Car and rolling away. You can mount tank turrets too!

The truth is that the game is really balanced, like rock-paper-scissors. It has good weapons, but each design is weak against another one. For example, vehicles with heavy cannons being vulnerable to fast flankers on flat maps, and flankers being vulnerable to plasma weapons (which, in turn, are also rendered useless on hilly maps), which destabilize the vehicle, making it easy to shoot at. Click this paragraph to get the free demo, which will be available on multiple platforms. (only Windows currently)

After I got the game, I researched all the parts in exactly 100 minutes, because I had some experience left from the demo. Still, the game is in development (Early Access), and it has only the basic modules. But look at what I made with those:

ddddI call this the „BEST”. A heavy machine with cannons, perfect for owning noobs. A bit damaged.
Continue reading “Scraps: BattleBots with GUNS (Review)”