Standard AP shell price changed from 415 to 480 credits;
HE shell price changed from 325 to 410 credits.
Update 1.10:
11 thoughts on “Update 1.10:
CS-52 Extra Changes + In-Game Pictures”
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Not only is it fake, it is also very ugly…
Why do you spam though?
It’s an opinion, not a spam.
I think he meant spam because the guy posted duplicates
Don’t buy it then
Not only it is fake, it is also very ugly…
It’s a game which no one said is going to be historically accurate. It would be boring as hell if they didn’t add new tanks.
I think the developers are doing a good job creating new tanks for the game. Just wish the balancing department did a better job sometimes. (Thinking about other tanks)
As for the looks, it’s a matter of opinion and I rather like this one.
You just come of as a whiny little brat. No one is forcing you to play.
Its honestly funny when WoT players complain about historical accuracy in an arcade game that stopped caring about that 8 years ago.
I just tell them if you want historical accuracy and realism then go play War Thunder. If you want arcade gameplay and lots of unique vehicles play WoT.
There is still a difference between historical inaccurate games and science fiction games. Adding fantasy tanks to the game, turns it into a scifi/fantasy game.
It is as if you would add the Mario Kart to a Formula 1 racing game.
Dude, you must be new to the game.
Because a while back they claimed to be historically accurate. And whenever soviet tanks were buffed and germans were nerfed, they explained it with historical accuracy as an example.
The people that I know want to play tanks that really existed between ww2 and cold War and not some fake tanks that some drunk Russians invented in a bar.
I like it, MT are my favourite class, so adding new MT makes me happy
And, TBH, at this stage of the game, u rly cant expect some original tanks from museums, cos h´they already all in the game (except for some RU objects and patton variants