WoT Supertest: Vz. 62 Jasan

The Vz. 62 Jasan is a Tier IX Czechoslovakian medium tank. Like the Škoda T 50, this tank is equipped with a 100 mm gun featuring a magazine loading system.

The main difference from the researchable vehicle is the magazine configuration: four4 shells dealing 300 HP of damage each, with a faster in-clip reload of just 1.5 seconds. Its full reload time is 26 seconds.

The Jasan boasts good mobility (top speed: 55 km/h, reverse speed: 20 km/h) and comfortable gun handling but has low survivability due to thin armor plates. It performs well as a mobile flanker, quickly changing positions and supporting allies with its powerful damage-dealing autoloader.

18 thoughts on “WoT Supertest: Vz. 62 Jasan

  1. Why do 1200 damage in 4.5 seconds when you can do 1960 in 4.5 seconds with better flexibility *cough* cobra

  2. Is it just me or this tank completely destroys Skoda T50? It has better intra clip, one shell extra, just 20 less alpha, more armour, just 5 km/h slower and less VR. If the dispersion values aren’t god awful, this tank will be flat out better than Skoda T50 in every single way

      1. I went and compared every stat and everything was slightly better. I see what you mean, the only losing stats are like .01 dispersion, 2.5 specific power, 50 health.

        If this thing is gonna be somewhat balanced its gonna need bad terrain resistances, bad movement dispersion, be a massive vehicle, have poor camo by comparison, full 8 gun depression doesnt work all the way around, etc.

  3. Yeah, WoT is now flooded with an inflationary amount of tanks. I understand that they have to make cash, but so much… I used to look forward to a new tank, it was something special, felt a bit like Christmas or a birthday… Nowadays I feel nothing when WG releases a new tank. But let’s not moan, because there are two new tank games coming out.

  4. This is flat-out better than Skoda T 50, are we into full pay2win territory?

    Not that it’d be new. BZ-176 is better than BZ-166, Borat and ELC EVEN 90 are better than BatChat 12t, XM57 is better than T28… the list goes on.

    1. To avoid becoming a pay2win they compensate by allowing an unlimited number of bots and people using illegal mods.

      1. Not expecting those to matter much. Skoda T 50’s gun handling is pretty poor for a high tier medium tank (close to HT level), maybe Jasan’s will be slightly worse but the tank isn’t meant to shoot on the move, as long as turret traverse dispersion isn’t bad it’ll be fine.

  5. Oh yes please! At this point I couldn’t care less about longevity of this game.

    Just marked a tier 9 autoloader but I don’t mind marking another one =)))))

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