If memory serves me correct, both prototypes were destroyed by the Germans. The Russians reassembled one vehicle by combing the hull and turret from two different tanks to make one. The interior of the tank is empty. Interestingly enough, there was only one factory in Germany that could produce the hulls and I believe the turrets too. Anyway, the Germans were indeed making more tanks, but a bombing raid from the USA or UK damaged the factory so much that the Germans were not able to restart production. The only time in WW II that I believe tank production was completely halted.
What is this? As far as we know, the Russians have not captured a complete and operational mouse. That’s nonsense…
There is 1 Maus left. It sits in Kubinka, Russia. It is not running though. Maybe it did when they took it
It was always just empty shell
Weren’t there plans to restore it to working condition?
Also, the other elephant in the room… why is it tier 9 for the ruushins?
If memory serves me correct, both prototypes were destroyed by the Germans. The Russians reassembled one vehicle by combing the hull and turret from two different tanks to make one. The interior of the tank is empty. Interestingly enough, there was only one factory in Germany that could produce the hulls and I believe the turrets too. Anyway, the Germans were indeed making more tanks, but a bombing raid from the USA or UK damaged the factory so much that the Germans were not able to restart production. The only time in WW II that I believe tank production was completely halted.