WoT RU: Dev Diaries – Tier XI Vehicles

The most important things about Tier XI tanks:

  • In order to upgrade a Tier XI tank, you will need to reset the current upgrade branches. For this you will be given points that can be invested in obtaining a Tier XI tank.
  • The plans include medium tanks and tank destroyers.
  • Tier XI Lights and Artys are not planned.

  • The Object 279 skill will increase engine power, speed up module repair time, reduce stun time and reduce reload time when the tank is hit by an enemy.
  • MBT-B will be able to quickly empty the drum and go into accelerated reloading.
  • Field modifications will be changed.
  • There will be an increase in the level of vehicle ownership by the crew.
  • The shells will have a spread of damage depending on the distance the projectile passes inside the tank. The longer the path inside the tank, the more damage
  • Tier XI vehicles will fly off “body kits, etc.” when they are hit
  • There will be no new equipment for Tier XI, but old equipment will be compatible
  • There will be an expanded limit on farming bonds per week and BP points
  •  +/-2 matchmaking

*Tests are still ongoing, parameters may change

3 thoughts on “WoT RU: Dev Diaries – Tier XI Vehicles

  1. -2 mm is a bit too much, -1 would be enough, tf is an m46 supposed to do with 260mm gold pen against a 279?

  2. Looks good.

    Meanwhile on WOT EU ….. here are some new premiums that you have to buy – fomo…

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