WoT: Customizable 2D Style “Tempered Steel” for the Steel Hunter Mode

The first customizable 2D style for the new season of Steel Hunter. It features 5 camouflage options and 3 inscription options.

“Tempered Steel” — An all-season progression style that can be obtained for outstanding achievements in various iterations of the Steel Hunter mode.

This is a customizable style, meaning certain pre-set elements of the style can be changed. The style settings available for selection include: camouflage (5 options) and inscription (3 options).

Available Elements:

  • Camouflages:
    • 801 – 100°C (Default)
    • 802 – 200°C
    • 803 – 300°C
    • 804 – 400°C
    • 805 – 500°C
  • Inscriptions:
    • 961 – Shoot, Loot, Repeat
    • 962 – Brave at Heart
    • 963 – Survivor

Non-historical. Group: Special. Suitable for vehicles of any nation and tier. Tech price: 1200 gold. ID: 900.

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