WoT: Normandy Tanks – Char de transition

The  VIChar de transition  is a Tier VI Premium French heavy, part of the trio of Battle Pass Season XIV reward tanks. The “transitional” designation reflects its status of the first French tank produced after the country had been liberated in 1944.

How to Play

Char de transition

The strongest argument the Char de transition brings to the battlefield is its 90 mm gun. Both the standard AP and the special APCR rounds have very good armor penetration (212 and 259 mm respectively), with the latter able to pierce Tier VIII enemies from the front. At the same time, the protection of the Char de transition isn’t stellar, though the tank is able to hold its own against same-tier opponents. Don’t try to angle the hull or sidescrape; better use the vehicle’s adequate mobility to reach hull-down positions where it will feel at home with its maximum gun depression of –10°.

The exterior of the in-game Char de transition is inspired by armored vehicles of the 2nd Free French armored division. The detachment, under the command of General Leclerc, took part in liberating Paris on August 25, 1944, marking the end of the Battle of Normandy.

Grab the Normandy-themed “Freedom Is Not Free” mission active until September 1!


Mission Brief


  •  ×1 Training Booklet (France)
  •  ×2 Strong Coffee
  •  ×2 Large Repair Kit
  •  ×2 Large First Aid Kit
  •  ×2 Automatic Fire Extinguisher



  • Be among the top 10 on your team by base XP earned six times

2 thoughts on “WoT: Normandy Tanks – Char de transition

  1. Char de transition? Well good for them, glad they’re coming out and being their true self.


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