Changes to test ships – Closed test 13.1

Based on testing results, we’re applying changes to Commonwealth Cruisers, Victoria, Wiesbaden, Jupiter ’42 and Chikuma II

II Port Jackson

  • Main battery reload time increased: 9.1 to 9.6s

III Caradoc

  • Main battery reload time increased: 8.0 to 8.5 s

Commonwelath Cruiser Red Fort, Tier V

  • Main battery reload time increased: 6.0 to 6.6 s
  • Range of the Depth Charge Airstrike decreased: 8 to 7km
  • Added Submarine Surveillance with parameters similar to Hobart
  • Torpedo protection removed

Red Fort is a clone for the testing of TIer V Delhi

VI Hobart

  • Main battery reload time increased: 6.5 to 7.5s
  • Range of the ASW airstrike decreased: 8 to 7km

Commonwealth Cruiser Uganda, Tier VII

  • Main battery reload time increased: 6.5 to 7.1 s
  • Range of the Depth Charge Airstrike decreased: 9 to 8km
  • Added Submarine Surveillance with parameters similar to Auckland
  • Removed torpedo protection

VIII Auckland

  • Main battery reload time increased: 10 to 11 s
  • Surface detectability range increased: 12.3 to 13.28km
    • All other detectability ranges adjusted accordingly

IX Encounter

  • Main battery reload time increased: 8.9 to 9.8 s
  • Surface detectability range increased: 12.3 to 12.96km
    • All other detectability ranges adjusted accordingly

VII Jupiter ’42

  • Main Battery reload time increased: 4.5 to 6.5s
  • AP shell parameters changed:
    • damage increased: 1700 to 2500
    • arming threshold decreased: 20mm to 12mm

IX Victoria

  • Improved the main battery firing angles
  • Sigma parameter increased: 1.8 to 2.0
  • Switched standard and alternatives shells. Fast-moving shells are now base shells, and slow-moving but high-damage ones are alternative.
  • Alternative AP shell parameters changed:
    • Damage increased: 13800 to 14200
  • Alternative HE shell parameters changed:
    • Damage increased: 5250 to 5850
    • Fire chance increased: 30 to 40%

VIII Wiesbaden

  • Main battery reload time increased: 5 to 6s
  • Hydroacoustic Search consumable changed:
    • Ship detection range decreased: 6 to 5km
    • Torpedo detection range decreased: 4 to 3.5km
    • Action time reduced: 120 to 100s
  • Smoke generator consumable changed:
    • Action time reduced: 20 to 15s
    • Cooldown increased: 160 to 180s

Japanese Cruiser Chikuma II, Tier IX

  • Decreased the firing angle of the torpedo tubes by 1 degree as a result of a bug-fix to the model


Please note that all information in the development blog is preliminary. Announced adjustments and features may change multiple times during testing.

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