World of Tanks Forums Are Closed

Forum Update: Transitioning to New Platforms

Starting 2024-02-20 at 09:00:00 (UTC), we will be transitioning our forums to Discord. On this date, the forums will switch to read-only mode, and on 2024-05-20 at 09:00:00 (UTC), they will permanently close.

Like many other publishers, we want to focus on more modern community platforms, where you can chat about the game, easily find a platoonmate, hop into voice chats at the click of a button, and much more. Take this time to say goodbye to the forum and grab any contacts, information, or treasured messages before the migration to Discord is complete.

Our passionate Community Managers are still available for you and are now even easier to interact with. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out and join our Discord server to see what it’s all about.

Free 2D Style #1: Forum Farewell Gift
"I'm in the Game!" 2D style

Over many years, the World of Tanks forum has developed dedicated communities across different languages and regions. As a thank you to everyone who actively or passively participated in the forum and used it as a valuable resource for information, we are giving away the “I’m in the Game!” 2D style for free. Click the button below to claim this token of our appreciation until 2024-03-01 at 09:00:00 (UTC).

Official World of Tanks Discord: A Home for All Tank Commanders

Embracing Discord as our primary community hub comes with numerous benefits. Discord provides a dynamic, interactive, and responsive platform for community engagement.

The transition opens up new avenues for real-time conversations, making it easier for Commanders to connect, share experiences, and strategize in a vibrant and active community.


Discord Giveaways

Available from 2024-02-05 at 09:00:00 (UTC) until 2024-03-01 at 09:00:00 (UTC)

We’re thrilled to start this new chapter and celebrate our growth, including reaching over 200,000 Discord members since 2017. To commemorate, we’re hosting two special Discord giveaways as a thank you for your dedication and support. Let’s make this a memorable transition for our exceptional World of Tanks community!

Free 2D Style #2: Discord Welcome Gift
"Streamline" 2D Style

Get a unique “Streamline” 2D style by linking your Wargaming and Discord accounts. Here’s all you have to do:

  • Head over to the “#welcome” channel
  • Click “Authenticate”

The style will be automatically granted to your linked account, and authenticating allows us to better engage with players on Discord and in-game.

19 thoughts on “World of Tanks Forums Are Closed

  1. Good! No more useless cúnt mods with their self righteous attitudes.
    You will not be missed 🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼

      1. Reddit World of tanks (fan made one) is also more toxic special needs than WOT Forums

      2. Most definitely. Imagine taking gameplay “advice” from that excuse for a human 🤦🏼‍♂️

    1. How rude can you be?
      You forgot that bloated, f*gly c*nt icky-poo aka eekeeboo.

      Hate this disgusting idiot.

      1. I’m pretty sure all three WG contributors on forum are the same person.
        I know I’ll be posting a big fuck you the minute before it gets locked for two weeks lol

    2. Welp, seems someone out there is on a crusade against the WoT forums, with all the impersonating existing WoT forum names & the slander to go with it.
      Just shows why moderation is needed, else you end up with stuff like this, people impersonating others & abusing it.

  2. Honestly, I have no idea why they kept the forums for that much of time. It has been dead for years already.
    I guess it’s WG that we’re talking about. They usually take eternity to get anything done, maybe even partially done.

  3. Nothing of value will be lost. Forum has been a shithole comparable to the now defunct general chat for years, ya all whine about Homer_J and Unhappy_bunny but there are so many more worse characters there. Good riddance.

    1. Like that queerosexual deviant Saxsan4.
      He/She is a prime example for the need of euthenasia

      1. Interesting. Someone has started a fake account on this site to post offensive trash using my WoT nick.

        1. Lol wait until you use discord. You can use any username you like there too and change it by the minute

          Ps you are a useless cúnt that’s not fake

  4. The end of an era… I wanted to repost some romanian plane stuff on TAP from the WoWp forums but they already added the IAR-81C in War Thunder thankfully. It seems the internet till 2014 is gone for real now.

    1. Yes I don’t know why they can’t just archive it if they don’t want people to use it.
      It’s a huge resource of knowledge.
      I guess WOT will indeed go into maintenance only mode next year.

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