WoT RU: Vehicle Changes in Update 1.24 (Chinese Tanks)

WZ-111 MODEL 5A, XWZ-111 5A 7X7

Was It became
Gun aiming time 2.5 s 2.3 s
Base projectile speed 930 m/s 1020 m/s
Reservation of the upper frontal part 140 mm 160 mm
Mechanical drive cover 80 mm 95 mm
Power/weight (hp/t) 15 hp/t 16.4 hp/t

The dispersion of the gun due to the movement of the chassis has been reduced by 11%.
The dispersion of the gun due to rotation of the chassis has been reduced by 11%.


Was It became
Gun aiming time 2.5 s 2.3 s
Base projectile speed 930 m/s 1020 m/s
Reservation of the upper frontal part 140 mm 160 mm
Mechanical drive cover 80 mm 95 mm
Power/weight (hp/t) 15 hp/t 16.4 hp/t
The dispersion of the gun due to the movement of the chassis has been reduced by 11%.
The dispersion of the gun due to rotation of the chassis has been reduced by 11%.

WZ-111 MODEL 1-4, IXWZ-111 1-4 FL

Was It became
Gun aiming time 2.9 s 2.6 s
Gun reload time 14 s 13 s
Reservation of the upper frontal part 120 mm 150 mm
Power/weight (hp/t) 13.33 hp/t 15.56 hp/t
The dispersion of the gun when rotating the turret has been reduced by 20%.
The dispersion of the gun due to the movement of the chassis has been reduced by 11%.
The dispersion of the gun due to rotation of the chassis has been reduced by 11%.


Was It became
Gun aiming time 2.3 s 2.1 s
Gun reload time 8.5 s 8.2 s
Gun penetration 215 units 230 units
Reservation of the upper frontal part 120 mm 140 mm
Power/weight (hp/t) 11.49 hp/t 13.47 hp/t
Forward speed 40 km/h 42 km/h
Reverse speed 15 km/h 16 km/h
The dispersion of the gun when rotating the turret has been reduced by 20%.
The dispersion of the gun due to the movement of the chassis has been reduced by 11%.
The dispersion of the gun due to rotation of the chassis has been reduced by 11%.


Was It became
Power/weight (hp/t) 12.6 hp/t 14.77 hp/t

WZ-111 model 5A, WZ-111 Qilin: some characteristics of this tank’s gun did not provide sufficient shooting comfort. Improving the convergence and stabilization performance will solve this problem. The armor of the upper frontal part has also been increased, which will increase the efficiency of the vehicle.

WZ-111 1-4: due to low indicators of damage dealt and blocked, the vehicle cannot always fully realize the role of a breakthrough tank. Improving the characteristics of the gun and frontal armor will increase the effectiveness of the equipment in battle.

110: a number of vehicle characteristics do not allow it to fully fulfill the role of a breakthrough tank. Improving the armor and gun performance of this tank will increase its survivability and effectiveness in battle.

IS-2: in current realities the tank is not mobile enough for its role. Increasing engine power will allow the tank to occupy key positions on the map earlier and leave potentially dangerous places faster.


Was It became
Gun aiming time 2.8 s 2.4 s
Gun dispersion due to track rotation has been reduced by 17%.
Gun dispersion from track movement has been reduced by 17%.

113 BO

Was It became
Gun aiming time 2.8 s 2.4 s
Gun dispersion due to track rotation has been reduced by 17%.
Gun dispersion from track movement has been reduced by 17%.
113, 113 BO: some characteristics of this tank’s gun did not provide sufficient shooting comfort. Improving the convergence and stabilization performance will solve this problem.


Was It became
Armor penetration of the projectile 215 mm 230 mm
Power/weight (hp/t) 12150LT engine 16.13 hp/t 18.82 hp/t
Power/weight (hp/t) 12150LS engine 15.59 hp/t 18.28 hp/t


Was It became
Power/weight (hp/t) 16.97 hp/t 19.89 hp/t

WZ-120: some characteristics of this tank did not provide it with sufficient mobility, as well as shooting comfort. Improving armor penetration and power will solve this problem.

T-34-2: in current realities the tank is not mobile enough for its role. Increasing engine power will allow the car to occupy key positions on the map earlier and leave potentially dangerous places faster.

15 thoughts on “WoT RU: Vehicle Changes in Update 1.24 (Chinese Tanks)

    1. Any NA/EU/ASIA saying WOT RU better is dead wrong…WOT RU is struggling and needs NA/EU/ASIA helps to develop

        1. Wow, so many braindead bots replied to my comment. Guess your mommas and girlfriends are doing a great job at s*cking socks, so they can pay your internet. Eat some good old c4nc3r, losers!

          Russians are doing really great at beating the ukro-N4zi orcs. You can join them, since they are in desperate need of cannon fodder. Don’t worry, you (your Lego parts) will be promoted in a coffin! XDD .I.

            1. What exactly, you western useful idiot? You mean the Rubles? LoL, I’m not paid for my comments, neither here, or on YouTube etc. I do this because in what I think. Anyways, I hope you and the other bots are happy with those 10 bucks given by some crappy western embassy to spread sh!t wherever you can! Bye for good and go in ukraine and fight some pOoR-eQuIpPeD Russians! XDD


              1. Ohoooooooooooo, my pro-russian fangirl “friend”, how is your life lately ? Anyway, have a safe trip to russia , “tO fIgHt AgAiNsT naZys”, i’m sure there is a trench with your name, somewhere in occupied Ukraine 😈

              2. Oh wait … You can’t do that , because you are too soy , you are to scared to even tell us where are you from. ^u^

  1. I hope these changes go live on the other servers as well just to laugh more at the clowns who wanted Qilin auction sales to fail.

  2. The current 5A/Qilin has high alpha, high DPM, 340 HEAT, okayish gun handling/depression, good mobility, and workable armor.
    I’m afraid these buffs will make the 5A/Qilin OP then they will nerf it to a state that is even worse than the current version.
    Because the tank is totally fine as it is right now. I’m having pretty much the same performance as I do with the Obj. 780, which is a well balanced tank.

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