“Old of Tanks” Unity3D Engine Project

Old of Tanks is a mod for Panzer War based on World of Tanks 2010-2014. You will find a full-fledged offline mode with leveling branches that will not refer to a specific version of the game. It is possible to add your own equipment, or tanks that, for one reason or another, were planned by WG, but remained outside the project.


Old of Tanks is a project to revive WoT from 10-14 years based on Panzer War! It will have a full-fledged offline mode with leveling branches that will not refer to a specific version of the game. It is possible to add your own equipment, or tanks that, for one reason or another, were planned by WG, but remained outside the project.


Old of Tanks Website

Old of Tanks on VK.com


In their VKontank group, the developers of “Old of Tanks” answered questions from players.

August 12, 2022

In this news we have collected all the answers to the questions asked to the developers of “Old of Tanks”, enjoy reading!

  • Will there be a report before the start of the battle, and will both teams stand at their base and not spawn randomly?

No, unfortunately you can’t do this. They will.

    • Is it possible to make an interface from old tanks?

It’s possible, but it’s still hemorrhoids.

    • Is it possible to make a registration window before entering the game as it was before?

Alas and ah, but no.

    • Will there be music in the hangar and during check-in (if possible)?

It’s already there in the lobby, but it doesn’t want to change in the hangar.

    • Is it possible to recreate an old hangar?

Theoretically it is possible, but it is not known how.

    • Have tanks been made to “stick” to each other and to “corpses”?

Exactly, unfortunately not.

    • Will physics be closer to these same versions?

We’ll try.

  • Will you make textures for destroyed equipment, and particles when destroyed?

The model does not change when destroyed, but the destruction effects have already been done.

    • If it’s online, will there be clans, company battles, platoons, etc.?

There will be online activity, too.

    • Will there be consumables during the battle (first aid kit, fire extinguisher, repair kit)?


    • When the gusla is shot down, is it visible on the tank? How will you implement the modules and their damage (radio station, engine, tracks, triplex, tanks, etc.)?

There is no modular damage system.

    • Will you have your own website or discord server?

Planned. And the website too.

    • Are there any tournaments planned?

Various activities are planned.

    • Is it possible to improve the map’s terrain textures?

What’s wrong with them?

    • Thinking about expanding your modding team?

We will not refuse help if a person really wants to help with the project.

    • Will the lighting be improved or closer to the original 0.7.0?

Well, we shouldn’t forget that this is Unity and everything is limited to it, BUT we try to make the lighting close to the original.

    • Will the interface be simplified?

For now yes, but maybe we’ll change it.

    • Will the sight remain the same as in the tundra? Are you thinking about adding booms and boom equipment?

It’s a holdover from the “New WoT”, so no.

    • Have you thought about further promotion of the project (advertising in other public pages, any kind of PR other than the YouTube channel)?

Yes, but there is no finance for this yet.

    • Is it possible to hardcode the code of your assembly so that no one can make changes?

It’s unlikely for a finished project, but we’ll try to find someone who can help us with this.







Old of Tanks Website

Old of Tanks on VK.com

10 thoughts on ““Old of Tanks” Unity3D Engine Project

  1. Seeing those images i remeber the nostalgia of old days and the hopes the community had. People were joyfull and dreamt of an even better game… hahahahaha

    And to all those fuckers out there defending current wot: the game WAS better back in the day. It requiered more brainpower and making the right calls was more rewarding. Balance was a problem still. Riddled with gold-shells from the start, but given that most players didnt use it them, the playingfield was even and tank fights was engaging. I remember my heart pumping at max RPM and having swaety hands after some matches…

    Nowadays? Press 22 and click… Nice game, much skill… Watered down shit. Mass commercialised for dummies…

    Still hanging around thou – for my daily wot fix. I know, i know. How dare i complain? Call me hipocrite.

    1. The game required more brainpower back in the day? Really dude? Really? Back then you could go yolo and get away with it, no one knew what they are doing. Now you try your best to think and plan while the game lasts for 4 minutes. Making the right calls today, is way more rewarding. WoT was good back then, yes, but today, its a lot better.

      1. Oh and also, where is the No bz no Bizzness guy and the other pshyco that spams this website, Show them this, send them here and tell them to bug off from todays wot.

    2. Talking absolute shit, how was it more brainpower? You could take maus which you used money to fasttack getting with gold shells you bought at Christmas for 50% the price with real money and rape everyone.. which is exactly what I did until I got bored, Maus with gold eating everyone alive from tier 10 to tier 6

  2. U forgot that u could pen everyone with normal ammo but u need to know weakspots and aim and u could srsly dmg tanks with HE…

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