WoT Supertest: BT-42 Changes

BT-42 (Germany, Tier-5, LT, premium)

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• Dispersion from movement (max): from 0.16 (8.32) to 0.20 (10.40)
• Dispersion from hull traverse (max): from 0.16 (7.68) to 0.20 (9.60)
• Gun loading: from 8.92 to 10.64 sec
• Gun rate of fire: from 6.73 to 5.64
• Aiming time: from 2.50 to 2.70 sec
• Average damage per minute of 1 (HEAT) shell: from 2490 to 2086
• Average damage per minute of 2 (HEAT) shell: from 2490 to 2086
• Average damage per minute of 3 (HE) shell: from 2,961 to 2,481

12 thoughts on “WoT Supertest: BT-42 Changes

  1. I guess this will be the next well deserved reward? I kinda dislike that WG put tier 5s as well deserved rewards – you can’t get battle pass Points with them, neither you have field mods.

      1. TBH I would not mind this kind of filler, soundly beats the hot garbage of previous Christmas boxes (except the KW I, that one is good).

    1. Agreed. Tier V is pretty much a dead Tier because there is hardly any incentive to play it, which is a damn shame seeing there are so many iconic tanks in this Tier. This BT-42 will be nothing more than yet another dust collector for me.

    2. Hope not. Well deserved rewards -so far- were iconic vehicles from the past:
      -The old hellcat (bumped up a tier)
      -VK with trollgun

      I hope they keep going with it somehow even when they run out of classics. How about the old T18 in T3-4? Or even in T2 with some nerfs. (Like the HE nerf in general)

      1. And KV-1SA – what a stupid thing, nothing like this was ever in the game. I mean, they could’ve put it in tier 7 and given it worse gun handling than what we have on IS. Or they could’ve brought back the KV and simply put in tier 6. I know it would be a KV-2 with 107 mm, but I think it could’ve been made interesting.
        Or another suggestion – bring back SP I C, when it used to have a 3-round autoloader! It’s not that old, only like 8 years or so, but I remeber it as a very fun tank. If balanced accordingly, it can be very fun and interesting tank in tier 7.

    1. Just a friendly note:
      You use “GUY” when you want to say “friend”.
      You use “GAY” when you are referring to a homosexual man.
      Since not all of us in the blog are gays, you should use “guys” here.

      The answer to your question: It’s still in supertesting stage, meaning it’s not publically available.

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