WoT Supertest: Type 63 Historical Reference

Type 63 (Japan, Tier-8, HT, premium, automatic hydropneumatic suspension, gun cooling)

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Historical reference:
The Type 63 project is an initiative developed by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries to improve firepower and protection while maintaining high mobility. The main innovation was the design of the turret with a swinging isolated central weapons bay, in the aft part of which there was an automatic loader. Work was stopped at the stage of layout solutions and patents for the tower.

source: WOT Express

10 thoughts on “WoT Supertest: Type 63 Historical Reference

  1. Forgets to mention the turret was patented in 1977.
    So calling this tank the Type 77 would make more sense in that regard, and avoid confusion with the Chinese Type 63 (Amphibious) tank (WZ-211).

    1. Chinese Type 63 (Amphibious) tank (WZ-211)

      With Russia getting an improved PT-76, it would be nice for China to also get their amphibious light tank.

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