WoT: Battle Pass Season XI 4th Chapter Rumors

According to WOT Express the Secret Chapter of Battle Pass, which will be available in August, will be purchasable with both Gold and Free XP (for the first time).

Recall that usually in the improved version there is a 3D style on the premium tank of the Chapter and additional in-game goods.

9 thoughts on “WoT: Battle Pass Season XI 4th Chapter Rumors

  1. i hope that this does not mean that we have to buy the 4th chapter and also buy the improved pass. We did not have to buy anything for last years 4th chapter. Only thing we had to buy was just the improved pass for 4th chapter

    1. If it’s going to be set the same way as Shtkptkpktpk chapter was, players should be able to earn the premium vehicle (some speculate that it will be the American TD that resembles Excalibur that frequented Burger King a bit too much) just by playing and then buy ‘improved’ chapter, to get 3D style for it. Individual chapter stages were also available for gold, in case someone like me could not finish them all in time.

      1. some speculate that it will be the American TD that resembles Excalibur that frequented Burger King a bit too much

        This made me chuckle. 😀

        Most suspect it will be WZ-111 model 6, which recently got a 3D skin. Otherwise it might be the GSOR armored car. The fatass TD is a bit too new in comparison.

  2. WG finds new ways to bleed people of their resources if they want to access game content. I bet they will use the “but you can pay free exp for it” excuse to increase the gold price of this chapter.

  3. There is absolutely no way it will be 500 free xp per stage which is 25000 free xp for 50 stages. WG is way to greedy to let it go that cheap. That’s around a 1000 GOLD conversion for the whole thing.

  4. if you go to the currently active test server and activate the “hidden” fourth battle pass chapter you can buy the improved pass for 100 g or those 500 free xp (this is where the screenshot comes from). However, stages can only bought for gold there. more hype for nothing please!

  5. Players who pay for this are just dumbass fuckers. Paying for the privilege to grind.
    Although as we know most players are 43% so not surprising that they pay for this

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