Supertest: 🇺🇸 AMBT – Changed Stats AMBT. Statistics with crew at 100%:

Tier: MT-8, USA, premium
HP: 1 300
Engine: 800 hp   650 hp
Mass: 36,0 t
Maximum load: 38,0 t
Power-to-weight: 22,22 hp / t   18,06 hp / t
Max speed / Reverse speed: 40 / – 14 km / h
Hull turning speed: 33,38 °/s
Turret turning speed: 29,2 °/s
Terrain resistance values: — / — / —
View range: 380 m
Radio range: 745 m

Hull armor: 70 / 40 / 30 mm
Turret armor: 250 / 70 / 50 mm

Gun: 105 mm Gun M68P

Alpha Damage: 360 / 360 / 420
Penetration: 215 / 278 / 53 mm
Rate of fire: 5,21   4,47 rounds/minute
Damage per minute: 1 877   1 609
Damage per minute with HE shells: 2 190   1 877
Rounds in autoloader: 3 rounds.
Reload time between autoloader rounds: 3,0 s
One shell reload time: 17,26 / 12,46 / 11,51 s   19,18 / 15,34 / 13,42 s
Full reload time: 41,23 s   47,94 s (Time between firing the last shell in the magazine and loading a new magazine)
Accuracy at 100 m: 0,36
Aiming time: 2,59 s   2,88 s
Depression / Elevation: -9 ° / +10 °

Rounds in ammo rack: 35 rounds

Crew – 4 members: Commander, Driver, Gunner and Loader.

Role in battle: Medium support tank. (Vehicles with excellent guns, the effective use of which requires compliance with certain conditions. They can deal massive damage in a short time.)

Camouflage Values:

  • Camouflage of the stationary tank: 14,14 / 2,95 % (for the stationary tank / for the stationary tank after firing a shot);
  • Camouflage of the vehicle during movement: 10,6 / 2,22 % (for the moving vehicle / for the moving vehicle after firing a shot).

Aim spread:

  • during turret rotation: 0,10   0,16;
  • during vehicle movement: 0,12   0,20;
  • during vehicle rotation: 0,12   0,20;
  • during turret rotation at the maximum speed: 2,92   4,67;
  • at the maximum vehicle speed: 4,80   8,0;
  • at the maximum vehicle rotation speed: 4,01   6,68.

10 thoughts on “Supertest: 🇺🇸 AMBT – Changed Stats

    1. Not really, the nerfed parameters make sense considering this tank is Tier 8. Compare to the 122TM (slow med with strong turret and a big gun with low DPM), except the AMBT has the ebola autoreloader mechanic because WG has to shove it anywhere they can.

  1. before someone cries about it remember that wg over nerf and over buff tanks to find a spot in the middle for the stats. it does not pay off sometimes but at least its something

    1. The fact that they would even contemplate nerfs this huge just illustrates that the AMBT is undertiered, but the devs are trying to use a sledgehammer to force the square peg into a round hole.

      This tank should’ve been moved to Tier IX or even Tier X and given improved penetration, instead of trying to force it to fit Tier VIII.

  2. ffs enough with the autoloaders, every mistake costing you 600 hp at least, not to mention locking up your tracks.

    1. Kekw “I made a mistake, so it’s WG fault, cuz they added this tank to the game hur dur”

  3. So it went from very OP to absolute dogshit with one whack of the nerf bat.
    WG is so shit at balance, it’s actually pretty impressive.

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