K-91-PT. Statistics with crew at 100%:
Gun: 122 mm S-34-49
Aiming time: 2,11 s 2,49 s
Aim spread:
- during movement:
0,140,16; - during rotation:
0,140,16; - at the maximum speed:
7,288,32; - at the maximum rotation speed:
Camouflage values:
- Camouflage of the stationary tank: 21,66 /
4,12 %3,9 % (for the stationary tank/ for the stationary tank after firing a shot); - Camouflage of the tank during motion: 13,0 /
2,47 %2,34 % (during movement / after firing a shot on the move).
Holy crap they nerfed a vodka wagon ….. damm
I like that WG has to seemed to figure out how not to make everything stupid OP
More believable stats for this kind of gun, so imho a good change.
Gun handling still too good though, TDs should not be able to snapshot.
Shame this is just going to be something for the battle pass. I was really hoping they would put it in as the tier 9, uptier the 263 back to tier 10 and remove the 268v5.