WoT 1.26.1 Common Test: Vehicle Changes (Crusher, ST-66, Kpz. Erich Konzept I, SFAC 105, DBV-152, DZT-159)

Crusher (United Kingdom, Tier-8, HT, Premium)
Halloween’s main reward has been nerfed!

• Tank durability repair cost: from 6,300 to 7,000
• Gun loading: from 7.96 to 10.07
• Gun rate of fire: from 7.54 to 5.96
• Dispersion from hull traverse (max): from 0.16 (4.67) to 0.16 (4.01)
• Dispersion from turret traverse (max): from 0.10 (3.34) to 0.10 (2.40)
• Armor penetration of 1 (AP) shell: from 230 to 215
• Armor penetration of 1 (AP) shell at 500m: from 220 to 200
• Initial velocity of 1 (AP) shell: from 1,000 to 850 m/s

• Average damage per minute of 1 (AP) shell: from 2,639 to 2,086
• Armor penetration of 2 (APCR) shells: from 260 to 252
• Armor penetration of 2 (APCR) shells at 500m: from 250 to 230
• Initial flight speed of 2 (APCR) shells: from 1,100 to 1,050 m/s
• Average damage per minute of 2 (APCR) shells: from 2,639 to 2,086
• Armor penetration of 3 (HE) shells: from 90 to 57
• Initial flight speed of 3 (HE) shells: from 1,000 to 850 m/s
• Average damage per minute of 3 (HE) shells: from 3,770 to 2,980
• Turret traverse speed: from 33.38 to 23.99 deg/s
• Hull traverse speed: from 29.20 to 25.03 deg/s
• View range: from 390 to 360 m

ST-66 (USSR, Tier-8, MT, premium)

• Tank durability repair cost: from 7,125 to 7,410 credits
• Aiming time: from 2.01 to 1.82 sec
• Tank durability/HP: from 1,250 to 1,300

Kpz. Erich Konzept I (Germany, Tier-9, MT, premium)

• Chassis traverse dispersion (max): from 0.14 (6.72) to 0.14 (7.01)
• Chassis traverse speed: from 47.98 to 50.06

SFAC 105 (France, Tier-8, TD, premium, double-barreled gun mechanics)

• Salvo preparation time: from 4.00 to 3.00 sec
• Cannon reload lock time after salvo: from 5.00 to 4.00 sec
• Barrel change time after firing: from 3.00 to 4.00 sec

• Vehicle concealment on the move: from 11.57% to 10.37%
• Vehicle concealment on the move after firing: from 2.42% to 2.05%
• Vehicle concealment at a standstill: from 19.32% to 17.27%
• Vehicle concealment at a standstill after firing: from 4.04% to 3.42%
• Concealment penalty during fire: from 50.90% to 45.50%

DBV-152 (Czechoslovakia, Tier-10, TD, reward)

• Added tank tag: “Improved ventilation Class 2”.
• Tank durability repair cost: from 22,200 to 21,600
• Dispersion from movement (max): from 0.28 (14.00) to 0.30 (15.00)
• Dispersion from hull rotation (max): from 0.28 (8.76) to 0.30 (9.39)
• Dispersion from turret rotation (max): from 0.14 (2.92) to 0.16 (2.67)
• Initial flight speed of 1 (AP) shell: from 1,260 to 1,160 m/s
• Tank durability/HP: from 1,850 to 1,800
• Turret traverse speed: from 20.86 to 16.69 deg/s

DZT-159 (China, Tier-9, MT, premium, mechanics: rocket boosters)

• Gun loading: from 13.42 to 12.94 sec
• Gun rate of fire: from 4.47 to 4.64
• Dispersion on the move (max): from 0.25 (10.00, 17.00 at acceleration) to 0.23 (9.20, 15.64 at acceleration)
• Dispersion from hull traverse (max): from 0.25 (9.13, 1.37 at acceleration) to 0.23 (8.40, 1.26 at acceleration)
• Average damage per minute of 1 (AP) shell: from 1,967 to 2,040
• Average damage per minute of 2 (HEAT) shells: from 1,967 to 2,040
• Average damage per minute of 3 (HE) shells: from 2 369 to 2,457
• Turret rear armor: from 50 to 200 mm

3 thoughts on “WoT 1.26.1 Common Test: Vehicle Changes (Crusher, ST-66, Kpz. Erich Konzept I, SFAC 105, DBV-152, DZT-159)

  1. So they decided to nerf the Crusher, when it was not even OP.

    Now what we will have a bad DPM, bad mobility, bad penetration, no viewrange useless Tier 8 Heavy that has a whole weakspot of its front. WG balance department shows how incompetant they are yet again…

    Never was interested in this Crusher, but not after this I will glady sell it, even thought I wanted to “keep it”.

    1. Why would they release something free thats at least playable when they can show us that everything thats free in this d0gshit game is crap

      1. Meanwhile in wot blitz free tanks arent shit… Its fucking hilarious wot pc is woke garbage we know this..

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