WoT RU: 3rd Campaign of Personal Missions Teaser

A new Campaign of Personal Missions with new rewards awaits you! The name of the 3rd Campaign is going to be “New Horizons”

In the image, two recognizable tanks are visible on the left and right sides.
On the left is the Projet Murat (Console article, Blitz article) which is already playable on Console WoT as a Tier 10 Premium Medium Tank. It was also teased in WoT Blitz as part of a new French Medium Tank sub-branch.
On the right, the American Tier 5 ARMT can be seen, which was obtainable from the 2024 Holiday Loot Boxes.

ARMT (USA, Tier-5, MT, premium, mechanics: autoloader with 3 shells)

Projet Murat (France, Tier-10, MT, premium)Stay tuned – we’ll tell you more about everything soon.

7 thoughts on “WoT RU: 3rd Campaign of Personal Missions Teaser

    1. I can tell that it might not be available outside RU as it appears to be a flamethrower due to the nozzle in the barrel.

    2. Its an another American tank prototype of Patton called M67A2, a flamethrower. In the game its different and also has 4 tracks as you might notice… not an expert

      1. The barrel back to the mantlet is very similer to the M67 ‘Zippo’ flamethrower. The turret may be an early prototype or it may be the original design turret before the gun unit was mounted in the full M48 turret. The hull has USA looks, particularly the T95E2. The track could be early style track as seen on the T28 HTC, M4 Improved, M6A2E1, and the T14.

        1. actually
          in the 1950’s Associated Engineers and Chrysler presented similar concepts for a quad-track tank, we already have a variation of one with the AE Phase I

          this looks to be a mix of both with features from other designs

          -the design of the front plate is similar to the one on the Chrysler K but with sharper angles

          -the running gear looks to be a mix of both concepts, Chrysler had the large sprockets high up and AE had the larger road wheels, their spacing is also like the one from the AE concept

          -the mantlet looks to be a exact copy from the Chrysler concept

          -the turret is from neither the M60 or M48, it has a simpler shape with the commanders cupola protruding from the side while on the M60 and M48 the cupola is further inside, it could still be from a early concept for the T48

          -the barrel is clearly from the flamethrower mentioned above

          -the tracks do look like the ones on the T14/M6, like mentioned above

          for me what gave away the most was the length of the tank, the Chrysler concepts were really long to allow for a lower silhouette – they drew a soldier next to it for comparison, the soldier was slightly lower-.

          I do not know if there was a different concept which coincidentally had all of those features, but those are the ones I could recognize

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