Toro (🇮🇹Italy, Tier-9, HT, premium, mechanics: magazine with a reloading system for 4 shells) entered the WoT supertest on June 14.

- Average damage: 360/360/440
- Average armor penetration with a APCR projectile: 248 mm
- Average armor penetration with HEAT projectile: 315 mm
- Average armor penetration with HE projectile: 105 mm
- Reload of the entire magazine: 53.69 sec
- Reload between shells: 3
- Reloading time for the first projectile: 16.30 sec
- Reloading time for the second projectile: 14.38 sec
- Reloading time for the third projectile: 12.46 sec
- Reloading time for the fourth shell: 10.55 sec
- Shells in magazine: 4
- Turret traverse speed: 31.29 deg/s
- Gun depression/elevation: -8/20 deg
- Aiming time: 2.40 sec
- Accuracy at 100 m: 0.34
- Average damage per minute: 2,048
- Initial flight speed of the APCR projectile: 1,290 m/s
- Initial flight speed of the HEAT projectile: 970 m/s
- Initial flight speed of the HE projectile: 900 m/s
Hull Traverse Speed (deg/s): 36.51
Strength (HP):Â 1,700
Hull Armor (frontal/side/rear in mm):Â 140/70/50
Turret Armor (frontal/side/rear in mm):Â 200/150/60
Track Repair time (sec):Â 12.03
Weight / maximum weight of the machine(t):Â 52/55
Engine power (hp):Â 800
Specific power (hp/t):Â 15.38
Max. speed/reverse (km/h):Â 45/18
Stationary vehicle camo (%):Â 3.76/0.74
Camo in motion (%):Â 1.88/0.37
View Range (m):Â 390
Historical reference:
In the 1950s, the Italian armed forces were operating American armored vehicles. At the same time, the nation was working on creating its own heavy tank. It was planned to arm the vehicle with guns that had enhanced ballistics, created based on Italian naval guns. However, by the time the project was ready, it had become clear that the leading tank nations would soon stop using heavy tanks, which did not correspond to modern realities. Work on the vehicle was discontinued.
Crew 4 people: Commander (Radio Operator); Gunner; Driver; Loader.
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