‘The eyes of the world are upon you,’ they’d said. No pressure, then. Just halt the advance of the forces of evil and secure the future of the freedom-loving world. Sure, pops, we’ll be done by lunchtime. Lucky for me, I work best under pressure. It focuses the mind, forces you to act. That’s how it was at Normandy. No time to think—just sheer focus. And we did a damn good job, in the end. So if the eyes of the world were upon us, I hope they got a good view. Our story is one that should be told for generations to come.
Waterproof Cover. The gun mantlet was vulnerable to water and dust, so special textile covers were used for protection.
Spare Canisters. Both vehicle and crew need fuel, oil, and water. Supplies could easily be cut off in wartime conditions, so spare canisters were extremely handy. Allied infantry used a wide selection of canisters, including bounty and aviation canisters.
Crew Equipment and Personal Belongings (M36 Backpacks, M1 Helmets, Bags, Landing Boots). Each soldier was provided with a standard set of equipment regardless of their specialization. The equipment included backpacks, gas masks, and steel helmets. In addition, tankers carried their
personal belongings, such as bounty landing boots.
Sandbags. American crews sought to improve their vehicles’ protection by any means possible. These included using sandbags.
Bocage Traverse Equipment. In Normandy, the Allies faced bocage terrain-hedged enclosures that infantry had difficulty traversing and that vehicles could not traverse at all. Fields and meadows were divided by mounds with thick trees and bushes that formed a dense wall of vegetation over time. Generally, these areas had only one entrance, and German forces used them to their advantage while defending. Sergeant Curtis G. Culin suggested equipping tanks with special bocage-cutting modifications to destroy mounds and HERME make new entrances through them.
Tarpaulin Tents Stowed in Covers. Tankers often had to spend the night outside, whatever the weather, so tents were a necessity. Crews would camouflage tents themselves, with Allied troops often using bounty poncho tents.
Spare Roller. Rollers and their rubber bandages were prone to extreme wearing. They could also be easily damaged with mines. Sometimes, repair teams were unable to assist when necessary, so crews needed to fix damage on their own. Spare parts never hurt.
Ration Crates and Boxes. Soldiers at the front could rarely get warm food, so their rations mostly consisted of canned and freeze-dried food packed into cardboard boxes and wooden crates.