WoT RU Patch 1.25: Balance Changes To The Bat.-Châtillon 25 t Branch

To make this branch of tanks relevant again and restore interest in one of the legends of the game – Bat.-Châtillon 25 t – we decided to change a number of vehicle parameters.

Improving some of the characteristics of the gun and increasing the number of shells will increase the survivability and effectiveness of the vehicles in combat. In addition, this will smooth out the gameplay transition between vehicle classes (light and medium).


Was It became
Number of shells 30 pcs. 40 pcs.
Gun reload time 40 s 36 s
Dispersion after a shot on a 105 Mm mle gun. 57 (D. 1504) reduced by 13%.


Was It became
Gun reload time 45 s 40 s
Penetration with a basic projectile 232 mm 248 mm
Penetration with a special projectile 263 mm 286 mm
Base projectile speed 1000 m/s 1120 m/s
Shell damage 300 units 320 units


Was It became
Penetration with a basic projectile 170 mm 185 mm
Penetration with a special projectile 210 mm 218 mm
Number of shells in the drum 4 6
Spread after shot reduced by 13%.

10 thoughts on “WoT RU Patch 1.25: Balance Changes To The Bat.-Châtillon 25 t Branch

  1. This is actually a reasonable buff for the BC, unlike what they’re gonna do with the Yoh tank.
    Meanwhile, it’s over a decade and WG still leaves the BC with 30 rounds of ammo.
    The tank is by no mean meta, but it’s still decent enough with all the new equipments.
    It just needs more ammo.

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