WoT: Preload 1.23.1


We’ll soon bring some improvements to your favorite game through Update 1.23. Get a head start and download the patch right now so you don’t have to wait for patch release day!

It will be 412 MB (SD version) or 584 MB (HD version). Just make sure to check the “Download updates in advance” box in your Wargaming.net Game Center settings, and click “Save” to apply the changes.

Find out how to enable preload on WGC and get answers to commonly asked questions on our dedicated article page via the button below.


2 thoughts on “WoT: Preload 1.23.1

    1. Do you swing that way then? Not judging you or anything, it’s your right to be gay. But if the OP isn’t gay too then that’s a bit dodgy, or indeed if he just said no…

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