WoT Monthly October 2023: All Hallows’ Eve

October is so packed with events, it’s scary! We drop into the ongoing Waffenträger: Projekt Hyperion, which continues the 6v1 format of its predecessors while expanding the narrative by introducing sibling rivalry drama into the mix! Battle Pass Season XII brings players back to Mirny-13, but in the second half of the month, get ready to plunge even deeper into the lore-laden landscape with the final entry in the trilogy, Lost Hope—a legacy indeed! Mirny-13 also plays a prominent part in our latest Prime Gaming package, “We the Harriers”!

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WoT: October Top of the Tree

October 5 through November 5

Take advantage of credit discounts, missions, and offers, as well as two new Top of the Tree specials. Climb the American Tech Tree line to the nation’s prized XM-V-Y (which is one of the Core Vehicles in the current Battle Pass Season), or expand your collection of Chinese lights all the way up to the XWZ-132-1 .