WoT 1.23.1 Common Test: Meet Six Brand-New Japanese Brawlers!

The new Japanese heavy tanks will differ significantly from the current vehicle branch that leads to the Type 5 Heavy. They are more modern in appearance, with aerodynamic shapes and well-sloped armor. Moreover, the higher-tier tanks in the new branch come with two innovative mechanics: brand-new double aiming (gun cooling) and familiar hydropneumatic suspension.

Research for these new brawlers begins with the Tier IV Type 1 Chi-He.

The new branch kicks off with the Tier V Mitsu 108, a triple-turreted tank inspired by the Soviet T-28 but with improved armor protection.

Let’s explore the remaining lineup.

Tier VI: Type 3 Ju-Nu

Based on the Japanese version of the Tiger I, it represents a reinforced version of the Chi-To tank with more solid armor.

Tier VII: Type 4 Ju-To

A further evolution of the project with more sloping armor and additional screens. This vehicle boasts excellent gun depression/elevation angles (−10/20 degrees) and good damage per minute with a standard armor-piercing shell.

Tier VIII: Type 57

With its innovative gun cooling mechanics, also known as double aiming, the Type 57 is the first vehicle in the branch to showcase this distinctive gameplay hallmark. It allows you to fire in two modes: one with standard accuracy and the other with improved accuracy.

Let’s see how the gun cooling feature works.

Double Aiming Mechanics

Gun Cooling

  • When the Type 57 fires, its gun heats up.
  • After this, the gun begins to cool down. Waiting a moment after reloading enhances shot accuracy due to the cooling effect.
  • Once the gun completely cools down, its dispersion improves until the next shot.

Improved Accuracy Activation

  • When improved accuracy is activated, a second aiming circle appears.
  • This second circle determines the shooting accuracy.

Aiming Process

  • After the second circle appears, the gun requires some time to fully aim to its maximum available accuracy.
  • However, you can choose to shoot immediately after reloading without waiting for improved aiming if necessary.

Tactical Choices

Depending on the combat situation, this feature allows you to:

  • Opt for higher DPM at the cost of slightly compromised accuracy.
  • Choose to shoot less frequently but with greater accuracy.

Tier IX: Type 68

Its armor requires active use of terrain irregularities, as its hull’s mediocre protection is unable to effectively withstand enemy fire. Its tough turret, however, fulfills this role effectively.

In addition to the gun cooling mechanics, this vehicle is equipped with hydropneumatic suspension, which enhances its gun depression/elevation angles from good (–8/20 degrees) to excellent (–12/24 degrees). This feature will greatly help you utilize the benefits of a well-armored turret when taking a hull-down position.

Tier X: Type 71

The crowning jewel of the entire branch, combining a good balance of frontal armor and mobility. The Type 71 is designed to be played from hull-down positions, where its tough turret armor can be used to its fullest. It is also equipped with hydropneumatic suspension. This feature allows you to enhance the vehicle’s gun depression/elevation angles and gain an additional advantage when playing on terrain irregularities. However, keep in mind its mediocre reverse speed and vulnerability on the sides.

Tier 10 Type 71 Characteristics:

Average Damage 400/400/515 HP
Average Penetration (100 meters) 260/320/60 mm
Shell Type AP/APCR/HE
Reload Time 8.8 s
Gun Depression/Elevation Angles (passive/active hydropneumatic suspension) −7/20 degrees / −12/25 degrees
Aiming Time 2 s
Dispersion at 100 m before/after gun cooling 0.42/0.28 m
Average Damage per Minute 2,727/2,727/3,511 HP
Hit Points 2,200 HP
Hull Armor 120/70/40 mm
Turret Armor 270/140/50 mm
Top Speed/Reverse Speed 35/14 km/h

Tier 9 Type 68 Characteristics

Average Damage 400/400/515 HP
Average Penetration (100 meters) 250/311/60 mm
Shell Type AP/APCR/HE
Reload Time 10 s
Gun Depression/Elevation Angles (passive/active hydropneumatic suspension) −8/20 degrees / −12/24 degrees
Aiming Time 2.2 s
Dispersion at 100 m before/after gun cooling 0.42/0.28 m
Average Damage per Minute 2,400/2,400/3,090 HP
Hit Points 1,950 HP
Hull Armor 80/70/30 mm
Turret Armor 280/80/40 mm
Top Speed/Reverse Speed 35/14 km/h

Tier 8 Type 57 Characteristics

Average Damage 360/360/440 HP
Average Penetration (100 meters) 225/246/53 mm
Shell Type AP/APCR/HE
Reload Time 11.4 s
Gun Depression/Elevation Angles −12/20 degrees
Aiming Time 2.3 s
Dispersion at 100 m before/after gun cooling 0.42/0.28 m
Average Damage per Minute 1,895/1,895/2,316 HP
Hit Points 1,500 HP
Hull Armor 100/70/30 mm
Turret Armor 300/120/30 mm
Top Speed/Reverse Speed 35/12 km/h

Tier 7 Type 4 Ju-To Characteristics

Average Damage 320/320/420 HP
Average Penetration (100 meters) 195/230/53 mm
Shell Type AP/APCR/HE
Reload Time 10.7 s
Gun Depression/Elevation Angles −10/20 degrees
Aiming Time 2.3 s
Dispersion at 100 m 0.35 m
Average Damage per Minute 1,794/1,794/2,355 HP
Hit Points 1,350 HP
Hull Armor 85/40/40 mm
Turret Armor 200/70/45 mm
Top Speed/Reverse Speed 35/12 km/h

Tier 6 Type 3 Ju-Nu Characteristics

Average Damage 230/230/280 HP
Average Penetration (100 meters) 150/218/44 mm
Shell Type AP/APCR/HE
Reload Time 7.3 s
Gun Depression/Elevation Angles −10/20 degrees
Aiming Time 2.3 s
Dispersion at 100 m 0.37 m
Average Damage per Minute 1,890/1,890/2,301 HP
Hit Points 1,050 HP
Hull Armor 130/50/40 mm
Turret Armor 160/60/40 mm
Top Speed/Reverse Speed 35/12 km/h

Tier 5 Mitsu 108 Characteristics

Average Damage 300/300/400 HP
Average Penetration (100 meters) 130/165/53 mm
Shell Type AP/AP/HE
Reload Time 13.8 s
Gun Depression/Elevation Angles −10/20 degrees
Aiming Time 3 s
Dispersion at 100 m 0.46 m
Average Damage per Minute 1,304/1,304/1,739 HP/min
Hit Points 900 HP
Hull Armor 70/40/30 mm
Turret Armor 90/70/60 mm
Top Speed/Reverse Speed 35/12 km/h

We’ll share more details about the Japanese heavies and their gameplay in an upcoming dedicated article. In the meantime, join the Common Test and share your feedback on the vehicles!


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