From wartime spotter deck to online casinos: The evolution of dealer games (P)

Before casinos existed, traditional card games were one of the most popular choices for gambling. They have gone through a long journey throughout the years. Playing cards took on a unique role during World War II beyond their usual entertainment function.

The United States Playing Card Company (USPCC) produced a unique deck of cards known as “spotter decks”. The cards featured shapes of military vehicles from various warring countries, including tanks, ships, and aircraft. These cards were intended to assist civilians in identifying military vehicles from both friendly and enemy countries.

Nowadays, the inclusion of cutting-edge technology in online casinos has revolutionized the way people gamble, particularly in online dealer games where people can play live online. Live dealer games, such as poker, baccarat, blackjack, and roulette, have evolved from a humble background to become a well-known sector in the industry.

The principle of live games allows the players to watch live-streaming dealers from any location. Behind its popularity, live dealer games are operated behind a complex technology system that includes video streaming, multiple-angle cameras, game controls, and others.

The development of live dealer games

Live dealer games began to emerge during the late 1990s when a poker website brought the games on its platform. However, because of the technological limitations of the time, the format was relatively simple and unable to provide a significant impact because of the internet speed and quality at the time.

During the mid-2000s, newer versions of online dealer games were released and were more well-received than their predecessors from the 20th century. Many casinos quickly began offering these services to their players.

Entrepreneurs and casinos recognised the demand and potential for live dealer games. As a result, the industry continued to grow over time. As they advanced, new technologies began to emerge to support the games in providing an entertaining experience for the players.

Live dealer games technology

Here are examples of the technologies used in live dealer games.

Live streaming technology

Like a real casino, live dealer games allow players to play with human dealers and bet with other players worldwide. The live-stream experience is supported by live-stream technology that transmits videos in real-time without delays across the internet. The internet uses several protocols, such as HLS, WebRTC, and RTMP, to deliver videos to the viewers.

The RTMP, also known as Real-Time Messaging Protocol, receives RTMP data from the encoder during the live stream. RTMP and HLS delivery are frequently used together to generate optimal streaming configurations. Another protocol called WebRTC is utilised to facilitate peer-to-peer streaming for web conferencing platforms like Zoom or InEvent. On the other hand, HLS is used to support mobile streaming by distributing content to the HTML5 video player.

Multiple angle cameras

Live dealer games use the newest technology to ensure players get the best experience. One of the examples is optimal camera recognition (OCR), which can deliver a high-definition experience.

The OCR transforms every data into an electronic method, which is then sent to the players through different cards, such as dealing, spinning, and shuffling cards. Consequently, the OCR guarantees honest game operations while facilitating real-time detailed information about the game.

IM Software and game control unit (GCU)

These days, it is very rare to find a live dealer game that does not support an instant messaging (IM) system. This system helps both dealers and players to interact with each other. When playing a live dealer game, players can use the live chat feature to talk to other players or to ask anything about the game.

Meanwhile, the games also use a Game Control Unit (GCU) device, usually located under the live table with a built-in scanner or sensor. The device encodes the game information into a digital format to be displayed in the user interface. The GCU is one of the most pivotal elements in online dealer games since it allows the dealers to manage the game while receiving virtual assistance.

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