WoT: Chances of Dropping Tier 8 and 9 Vehicles in New Year’s boxes 2024

Data obtained through modulation of opening loot boxes 500,000 times.

The statistics were compiled by opening 250 boxes. Obviously, there will be a 100% chance with a guaranteed open 50 box. It is also interesting that with good luck you can get all 5 tanks from 50 boxes.

On average, players only need to open about 100-150 boxes (range) in order to get all the tanks in the current NN2024. Therefore, buying 240 boxes (an offer that is in the store) just for the sake of tanks is pointless.

Your choice is 80 or 160 to get all the rewards. Further, if you buy, then only to get a profit in gold, which the players use.

Source: AceWanker4

9 thoughts on “WoT: Chances of Dropping Tier 8 and 9 Vehicles in New Year’s boxes 2024

  1. bought 160 boxes. after 80 i had all tanks,2 styles and 30k gold. on the end i had all styles and 106k gold. first day

  2. Bought 108(80+28 boxes). Got, if I remember correctly, 25-27 tanks including 4 “big” ones. XM, Type63, Tiger-Maus and Obj.752. I assume for me the dropchance was rather high. Was surprised myself.

  3. 21.47 USD and got the Type 63, repeats of the low tier tanks and 4700 gold. Dont care to spend anymore this year.

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