TT-130M (Czechoslovakia, Tier-9, HT, premium, mechanics: rocket boosters) Average damage: 490/490/640
Average armor penetration (mm): 244/306/65
Rate of fire (rounds/min): 4.26
Loading of the gun (sec): 14.09
Turret Traverse Speed (deg/s): 20,86
Hull Traverse Speed (deg/s): 26.08
Gun elevation/depression (deg): -5/20
Aiming time (sec): 2.78
Accuracy at 100 m: 0.4
Average damage per minute: 2,086
Strength (HP): 1,750
Hull Armor (frontal/side/rear in mm): 100/70/70
Turret Armor (frontal/side/rear in mm): 300/150/90
Track Repair time (sec): 12.03
Weight / maximum weight of the machine(t): 55/60
Stationary vehicle camo (%): 6.95/1.13
Camo in motion (%): 3.48/0.56
View Range (m): 380
The first value is normal mode / the second is with accelerators:
• Acceleration preparation time: 5 sec.
• Reload time between accelerations: 4 sec.
• Acceleration charge duration: 10 sec.
• Number of boost charges: 4
• Impact force from acceleration: 70
• Duration of shock from acceleration: 0.5
• Engine power multiplier when accelerating: x3
• Maximum forward speed multiplier when accelerating: x1.5
• Maximum reverse speed multiplier when accelerating: x0.1
• Chassis traverse speed multiplier when accelerating: x0.15
• Dispersion during movement (max): 0.25 (7.50, 11.25 when accelerating)
• Dispersion during hull traverse (max): 0.25 (6.52, 0.98 when accelerating)
• Max. forward speed: 30/45 km/h when accelerating
• Max. reverse speed: 14/1.4 km/h when accelerating
• Engine power: 550/1,650 when accelerating
• Specific power: 10.00/30.00 hp/t when accelerating
So it’s a Skoda t56 hull with space armor and a VZ 55 turret with a single shot that reloads slower, has bad Dispersion, and the aim time is worst.